Lies in the Garden of Truth(9)

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Chapter 9

Evangeline's P.O.V

"You idiot!"  I punched Colton hard in the shoulder hoping it would get the point across.  "Why did you run away on me like that?"  I stared at him furious.  His eyes locked with mine, but I couldn't find anything in them.  They were stone cold. 

I sighed calming myself down even though I wanted to do the exact oppisate.

"I'll let this pass."  I smiled at him letting it go.  Sometimes people make mistakes, and you just have to let it go.  "You did save me twice, it's the least I can do."  I could tell Colton was agitated and talking wasn't the best choice.  I started walking off, and several steps after me Colton followed.

"Cr..ack!"  I looked over to the side to see Ezibel and Hanley hiding behind a tree, or at least attempting.

"Sorry."  Ezibel muttered walking out beside me.  I shook my head.  Out of the corner of my eye I could see Hanley nudge Ezibel.

"Umm.. Hanley and I were thinking that we could get the other creatures of Latella to help us."  I watched as Ezibel cracked her knuckles nervously.  The thought played in my head.

"Do you think they won't try to eat us?"  I asked looking at my sister.

"I believe they'll join us.  It's their home too, they have the right to know." 

"I believe in you Ezibel."  My sister smiled, her eyes twinkling.

"Now to find a monster."  I scanned the trees as we walked looking for something abnormal, but nothing seemed to be out in the day. 

"I'll be right back."  Hanley said quickly dissapearing into the woods.

"Colton do you ever notice how Hanley seems to just dissapear?"  I asked quickly before Hanley could get back.

"Hanley does more than just that.  He knows things we don't."

"They said they'd join us.  Their sending out the word."  Hanley said walking out from the bushes.  Something rumbled and the trees shook not far away, but I couldn't see anything.

"Like speaking to invisilble monsters."  Colton said under his breath only so that I could hear.  I believed Hanley was telling the truth, but I wondered how he had done it.

"Now we just have to tell the parents and hope they don't get mad."  I said as we continued getting closer and closer to the old castle.  It was then that I realized Colton has ran zigzagged through the woods trying to throw me off.  We were actually right outside the gardens.

"The garden of truth is alive."  Hanley said touching the flowers in the garden.  We all walked in and I could see a patch of flowers that were pressed against the ground where bodies had been.  This wasn't the garden of passion it was the garden of truth.  Colton had to lie to me before we stepped in it to make his confessions seem to be a lie.

I looked down at the ground blood rushing to my cheeks.  Colton really did love me.  I looked over at Colton from the corner of my eye to see him staring straight ahead with his stone cold gaze as usual. 

"Hey guys!"  Lillian yelled running out into the flowers. I noticed a file in her hands and a pen stuffed in her ear.  "We're having a party."  She shrieked jumping up and down.  I raised my eyebrow.  Great more suprises.

"Colton you know the area better than any of us.  Go get this printed and hand them to the kids between the ages of nine and eighteen.  I looked over Colton's shoulder to see what the paper said.

A meeting was to be held after dinner tonight at the old castle ballroom.   Every person would be expected to sign in, write their power, jobs their good at, and a photograph of them.  At the bottom it was signed by my parents showing their acceptance. 

"Since Hanley is nowhere to be seen, you two are going with me to get set up the meeting place."  Lillian said grabbing Ezibel's and my hands.  I watched as Colton walked in the oppisate direction we were.  I felt my heart tug, wanting to with him, but i knew it wasn't possible.

Planet of Angels(Watty Awards)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora