Things just won't get better(6)

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  • Dedicated to Kyle Thomas Germann

Chapter 6

"So any ideas?"  Hanley asked the next morning as we passed around the paper with the next part of the prophecy on it.  I was glad that we had gotten back to Hanley and Ezibel last night safely.  Ezibel had been pretty shaken up though.

"It's talking about a place."  Lillian stated as she held it in her hand .  "I'm guessing it's talking about us since we started off this quest."  She passed it on and put her fingers to her temples thinking.

"Lillian has a small power that's more than just small.  She's able to know what is right when she says it. "  Hanley explained.  I looked at him quickly making sure that he was there.  He was.. this time.  I wish I knew everything was right.  If all of a sudden I guessed 'he dissapears' and a big blinking 'YES' sign comes before my face with a big thumbs up.  Now that would make everything so much simpler.

"My mother is a truthseeker so I have a little extra of that power.  She taught me a lot, but sometimes I have to say things repeatidly to actually feel something."  She paused thinking.  "The only place I've been is Latella."  She murmered it repeatidly until she shook her head yes.

"Then it has to be either Heaven or Earth, but only two of us have ever been to Earth."  I pointed out thinking of Ezibel and Colton.

"I can't believe there is Heaven and Earth."  She paused then snapped her fingers together.  "I must be the one who never knew.  I never knew there was more than just Latella."  She nodded.  "It's talking about Heaven."

"I went there to get Evangeline away from that place."  Colton put in. One went to save.  I looked at him remembering from before when he had brought me to the jail cell.  Now that I thought of it he had never been rough with me, it might've looked like it, but he was very careful with me.  He had taken me away from Heaven, I knew I never belonged there..

"I never belonged."  I said. One never belonged.

"When I died I should've went there."  Ezibel said.  One lost their chance. 

"Then I'll never be seen there."  Hanley said standing up fixing his shirt. We all followed his lead, getting ready to go on the rest of our adventure.  I guess we're going back to Heaven now.

"We have it figured out.  We need to go to Heaven."  Lillian said wrapping me in a hug.  I smiled hugging her back.  We were finally certain about something.  I just wish.. I looked at Hanley and Colton.  That will come in time.

"Then we have to go back to the light and fast.  That's the only place I can make a portal.  If the light continues to fade I won't be able to make one.  This is our only chance."  Hanley quickly started packing things up, shoving the few things we had left into whatever bag he saw and had room in it.

"There's no way we'll make it back in time."  Lillian said throwing up her hands.  She started pacing.  "There is no way we'll make it."  She stopped.

"What?"  I asked as a smile grew on her face.  She knew something.

"There's a way, I don't know how but there is."  The truthseeking.

"Evangeline, she's powerful beyond compare."  Colton said looking over at me.  Our eyes locked and my heart started beating fast.  I remember seeing his memories and how he let me.  I had just known what to do.   Last time though I felt like I was missing, but now.  I looked over at Ezibel.  But now.. I wasn't.

"Will you help me?"  Her whole body shook before she grabbed my hand.  We both could feel it.  The pull to do this.  Like it was natural for us.  I closed my eyes knowing she would do the same and spread my arms.  Her hand in mine was moving with mine, not struggling.  She felt it too.  This feeling  is the same as before.  I thought of Heaven, how it was shown in books and how it really was.  Everything was white.  Where grass or land would be was clouds.  How everybody seemed to have a glow to them.

I opened my eyes to see Heaven right infront of us.  We grabbed hands and stepped through.  I looked over my shoulder to see the portal behind us.  Hanley was nowhere to be seen.  Not that him dissapearing is anything out of the ordinary anymore.

"Evangeline, you're back."  I heard His voice and looked forward to see a large chair with light admitting from it.  He was sitting in that chair, but of course you couldn't see him.  The light was to bright over him, you could barely even look at it without being blinded.  That light though, I had seen before.

"I see you brought your sister."  His voice sounded happy and cruel at the same time, sending shivers down my spine.  Never before had he talked like this to me.  Only a little bit when he sentenced me to imprisonment, but not like that.  Before he sounded like a scolding teacher, but now.. now he sounded like a serial killer ready to kill.

"You knew about her.  That's why you wanted her dead."  I spat.  I was no longer in his control.  He wasn't the only one with power.  If he wanted to play mean, I could play mean right back. 

"The two of your powers together could control anything.  Why don't you come back.  All four of you can.  Together we could make Earth and Heaven better."  He said trying to persuade us, but I could still hear the cruelity in his voice, he wasn't tricking anyone.

"What about the other world?"  Ezibel asked her voice shaky.  I smiled resting my hand in hers.  She was scared, but she was sticking up for Latella either way.

"We'll help that world also."  His voice became controlled, stopping his emotions from showing through.  This was a touchy subject.

"They left Heaven because of you.  The only thing you wanted is power.  You have the light, you're the one taking it."  Colton practically growled.  I grabbed his hand reassuring him.  That's how I recognized the light.  It wasn't like light from the sun, it was the light that kept Latella alive.  It was the light we needed and that has been dissapearing.

"Colton help me and I'll let you have your parents again."  An orb of light formed by the throne and floated over to us.  It cleared and I could see the parents from Colton's memories.  They were both at a grave with a little girl.  She looked a lot like Colton, but younger.  It was his younger sister.  It had to be.  I could see the same determination in her eyes.

"I decline."  The light exploded flinging us backwards.  I fell onto the floor my wings hitting with a great impact.  Everything felt sore.  I felt a weight on me and I opened my eyes to see Colton's face.  He was holding himself over me on his hands and knees.  He winced in pain.  I touched his back and head as I lay on my back.  When I pulled away there was blood.  I stared at him shocked, but at the same time.. not.  He had protected me from the explosion so I wouldn't get hurt.

He leaned down, his lips next to my ear.  "I did it for our secret waterfall.  My parents are happy."  My heart started beating faster.  Now I was pissed.  I looked over at Lillian on the ground over Ezibel, her wounds healing and I could tell she was too.

"Let me show you what people from Latella can do."  She stood up touching Colton's wounds.  The blood dried and he rolled over standing up himself.  "Your people can feel the pain that you have put us through."  A hole opened in the ground looking down at Earth and a swift silver light came from Lillian flowing downwards.  I had never seen her do this.  The clouds moved closer to Earth, close enough so we could see.  People walking on the streets started screaming in agonizing pain.  I wasn't the only one who was pissed off. 

"Stop."  The silver light came back to Lillian and she stared hard at the chair.  Lillian could heal people and take that pain and put it on others.  I smiled proud of her.  Lillian was not this type of person, but I knew she was doing this for the good of Latella.  The pain she was causing the people wasn't deathly bad, but more of a nuisance.  Enough to get Him angry.

"I did not steal your planet's power to have my people hurt.  There will be a war in a week."  I closed my eyes sighing.  More war?


So, I'm hoping you guys like the story so far!  If you're not already on Wattpad go on and vote!  It would really inspire me to write more more often so you guys can read more.  So please vote!  I put my story into the Watty Awards which means if you like my story even if you don't think it's the best go onto, find my story, and vote!  Also fan, comment, and just continue reading!  Really hope my story gets somewhere because I've been putting all my time into it.  Thank you!  Vote.Fan.Comment.

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