What's in the box(11)

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Chapter 11

"Hello nice to meet you."  I said as another person walked in and I pointed them to their seats.  Colton still hadn't come yet.  I was starting to stress out.  I looked over at Ezibel to see how she was doing.  Cal had found her a dress also but in a light orange color.  She smiled aat people being polite, but I knew better.  I knew she was struggling with not breaking down.

"Hey Ezibel, why don't you take a break by Lillian."  I said touching her shoulder gently.  She smiled at me thankful as she started heading towards Lillian.  I could feel people staring at me, but I let it pass.  My mind kept leading back to Colton.

'Why isn't he here?  Is he okay?'  I thought.  My brain felt like it was going to explode with questions.

"Calm your thoughts princess."  A young boy said walking past me. 

'If you can read my mind say bananas'  I thought.

"Bananas."  The boy said winking at me.  I smiled glad that I wasn't screaming out all my worries for the world to hear.

"Lillian said stop fooling around with the kids and get to the front of the room."  Cal said nudging me.  Ezibel was standing beside him shaking.

"It'll be okay."  I whispered into her ear as we headed to the front of the room.  I turned around to face the people and they all stared at Ezibel and me like obediant dogs.  This is when I'm thankful for not having stage fright.

"Hi I'm Evangeline and this is my twin Ezibel.  I'm guessing you guys have never heard of her, but respect her as you would me.  She has had a far greater journey than any of you have.  She is real, just as real as this war is going to be."  I scanned the crowd, there had to be around 300 kids there.  Most were younger kids so I knew I had to choose my words wisely.

"We know that this war is going to be hard on everybody."  I continued.  "So before the war comes we thought we would have a party, or more of a ball actually.  A party to let the stress out and remember what the elders will be fighting for."  This wasn't bad at all.

"Yeah."  Ezibel put in.  "In three days we'll have the party."  I could see sweat starting to form on her face.  "All of us children that can't fight will start working on it tomorrow."  She was starting to shake more.

"Everybody will stay here at the castle in the rooms we have set up for you."  I said taking the spotlight from my sister.  Her shaking lessened and her breathing started to go normal.  "Tonight you can go home, get your things you'll need and your younger siblings you have."  I paused breathing.  "Jobs will be appointed tomorrow morning and everybody is expected to be up at breakfast here, in the ballroom, at eight.  Furth instructions will be given."  I paused not wanting to push this on everybody so fast, allowing them to collect there thoughts.  I saw a few scribble notes on there hands.  "I'd just like to see that Lillian, Ezibel, and I are so happy to be back."  Everybody cheered standing up and pumping their fists.

Everybody cleared out of the hall each waving to Ezibel and me as they left.  Once every person was gone, besides Ezibel, Cal, Lillian, and me.  Ezibel collapsed on the ground.

"You okay?"  I asked her as she shook.  She nodded. 

"I'll show the young lady to her room."  Cal said swooping my sister up in his arms.  It looked like she was going to throw up, but she managed to hold it down.

They left the room so only Lillian and I were there.

"He looks a lot like Colton, but he's different."  I noticed her smile had more happiness in it than usual.

"You like him!"  I giggled.  She smiled her cheeks going red.

"No.  Well maybe.  A little.  Okay yes!  He's such a gentleman.  Even when the word is seperated to gentle man.  It's so true."  She shrieked jumping up and down.

"Well at least you're not going for the looks."  I laughed.

"Wait.. that means.. you like Colton!  Eeeh!"  I smiled shrugging.  "Wait that's why you got upset about him going to war.  I'm so sorry."  She wrapped me in her arms even though I didn't need it.

"You being your stubborn self."  Lillian said letting letting go feeling how stiff my body was.  "Wait.. Cal is going to war too."  Lillian's face dropped.

"He's mist.  That's his power.  He can't die."  I said reassuring her.  The smile came back.

"Well we're going to have to find you the perfect dress for the party.  That way Colton will have to ask you."  Lillian said happily.

"He confessed his love to me."  I blurted quickly putting my hands over my mouth.

"He only talked about you all the time when we were little."  Cal said coming back into the room.  "I'm not suprised you didn't realize though.  By the way I have something for you from him."  Cal pulled a small box out from behind his back.  I looked at Lillian as I quickly opened it not able to wait.

Inside was a necklace with a sword pendant on it that looked exactly like the real sword he had given me.  Cal took it out and put it around my neck.  The tip of the model sword fell just about my breasts as if pointing to my heart.

I moved my fingers over the velevet box feeling how soft it was.  It smelled just like Colton.  The smell of pine with woodsmoke.  My finger caught on something and I pulled out a piece of paper.

"You're going to the party with me."  It read.  I giggled.  It just wasn't possible for Colton to make it cute or even ask.  He did what he wanted to do.  I loved it.  I loved him.  I looked down at my new necklace thinking of him.

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