I Never Knew Worry Leads to Dresses(10)

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Chapter 10

"So are you going to be doing the speaking?"  I asked Lillian as we set up the chairs that we had found astray in the castle.

"No you are."  Lillian said looking at me with a grin on her face.  I sighed.  Leave it up to Lillian to make the plans and then make me tell everybody about it.

"You too Ezibel."  My sister slammed a chair hard onto the ground frightened.  I could easily guess she wasn't good at speaking infront of people. 

"M..me?"  She stuttered.  Point proven.  Lillian nodded and Ezibel stopped breathing.

"I'll do most of the talking."  My sister slowly started breathing again, but her breaths seemed uneven.  She was still pretty worried.

"It'll be fine.  I'll be at the entrance sorting through everything.  You two will help seat people based on age, smile, talk to them, and just be nice."  Lillian said heading out of the room.  We followed behind her through the castle until we came to the kitchen. 

"I've been talking to people and I've really caught up on a lot.  Your parents got a random letter saying we woulb be at the old castle at the same time He sent us there.I can bet Hanley sent it because he just seems to know things.  Either way they keep this place fully stocked as a refugee."  Lillian started openeing cabinets until she pulled out meat and bread.  A sanwhich for dinner.  At least it had bread instead of just meat this time. 

"How far away is where we really live?" 

"A day."  I almost choked on my food.

"Then how is Colton supposed to get the word out, and how are people going to get here on time?"

"Don't doubt Colton, and somebody can teleport them here.  Quick and easy."  It made sense.  I started thinking again about Colton as I ate my sandwhich.  He seemed to consume my thoughts faster than I was consuming my food.

He really did love me.  I was glad we were to young to fight in the fear something might happen to Colton.

"Aren't you guys glad we don't really have to take part in this war?"  I asked taking a sip of my water.

"I have to help with the wounded.  Colton gets to though."  I spit ot the water coughing hard.

"What do you mean?"  I asked regaining my breath.

"Nobody knows Colton's exact birthday so for all we know he could be eighteen.  His power is way to powerful to waste also.  He will most definately be in the war."  My world froze this couldn't be happening.

"I'll be back."  I said running off.  There was no way.  I couldn't loose Colton.  Food I had just eaten came up as I leaned out a window.  Somebody grabbed my hair not letting it get in the mess.

When I was done I wiped my mouth on my arm.  My hair was let down and I turned around to face the person.  It was Colton, but he was actually showing feautures.


"Cal.  That's my twin."  Images started reeling before me, my memories of looking into Colton's memories.  Before the fire when his parents were looking down at him another baby was next to him holding his hand.  Cal.  Then their parents were at the graveyard there was anothr grave right next to Colton's that read Cal.

"There are too many twins here."  I said holding my head.  "Either that or this is just luck." My head was pounding as if somebody were banging on the drums hard.  My skull would be the drums.  It was just like the time I actually went into Colton's memories.

"My brother said he had stuff to do and to come keep an eye on you.  Is it okay if I catch you?"  Cal asked looking concerned.

"Sure?"  I questioned as my body gave out.  Cal easily caught me in his arms not letting my head get close to the ground.

"How'd you know I was gonna fall."  I asked as he started carrying me off.

"Your whole body was swaying.  So, I heard there is going to be a party.  Who you going to ask?"  Cal waggled his eyebrows at me making me giggle.

"I don't have time to think about that."  I said looking away from him.  I wondered if Colton would ask me.  Knowing how stubborn he was probably not. 

"So are you going to be fighting too?"  I asked thinking about how I got myself stuck out here.  Colton fighting.  My stomach was still uneasy even though now there was nothing in it.

"Yeah, but luckily I got cut slack from training."  He said with a pleased grin.

"How so?"  I asked wondering what his power was.

"How can you train something that turns into mist?  I already know all the battle strategies and I can never die.  I'll just pass right on through."  Mist.  That's a weird power, but he could probably travel fast without anybody seeing him.

"I don't even know mine."  Cal pushed open a door with a large bed taking up most of the room.  He set me down on it without saying a word.

"Do you want me to look for something for you to change into?  A lot of people are looking forward to seeing you and in those stinky clothes.."  Cal made a face of disgust to finish his sentence.  He stood there waiting for my reply.  He was a lot different then Colton.

"If they actually have clothes here."  I said shrugging.

"As you wish princess."  Cal headed out of the room,turning into barely visible mist.  I wonder why Colton never told me he had a twin.  He never even told me that when we were younger. 

"Back."  Cal appeared before I could think of anything more.  "Somebody important must have lived here."  He pulled out a dress from behind his back.  It looked like a wedding dress, but turqoise with jewels surround the waist line.  Real jewels.

"It's pretty."  I held the dress in my hands looking at it. 

"These go with it."  He handed me a white lace long sleeve top to pull over it and underwear and a bra.  "One second."  He dissapeared out of the room and quickly came back a second later.  "There is a working bathroom with all the supplies two doors to the right."  I hugged Cal glad he was being so generous.

As  I walked down the hall looking down at the dress I wondered how Colton would feel about me wearing it.  The dress in heaven had been so simple and he had never seen me all dressed up.  I hugged it to my body hoping he'd like it. 

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