Chapter 23: New Years Resolution

Start from the beginning

I hear someone screaming and see Uriah jump in the pool making a huge splash. Water goes everywhere and Zeke starts yelling at Uriah while Four has a laughing fit.

I slip off my clothes and am freezing cold. I'm still wearing my winter boots as I tiptoe over to the pool. Then I'm slung over someone's shoulder and scream as my boots getting taken off. The person runs and jumps.

Water engulfs me and I'm warmed immediately. I push up to the surface to see Four smirking. Right before I can yell at him huge waves fill the pool as everyone jumps in.

"Come here," Four says and swims to the opposite side of the pool. When I look out I see the entire city lit up. Fours breathing quickens a little and he becomes tense.
"You ok?" I ask taking in his weird demeanor.

"Yeah just," he sighs, "Never really good with heights."
"What are your fears?" I ask catching him off guard.
"My fears?" He questions.
"Yeah in the simulation." Every year since we were in first grade we go through our fears. That's where Four got his nickname of course.

Four fears, which is practically unheard of. I got the second least, six. Sometimes people even call me six like they do to Four. I understand if he doesn't want to tell me his fears, nobody knows his fears, except Amar, luckily he's our instructor.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want," I say after a long time.
"How about I don't tell you, but show you." My ears perk at that.
"I've been going into my fear landscape a lot lately and Amar taught me how to have two people go in at once," he explains.

I feel butterflies in my stomach and the pain again.
"What's with that face again?" Four asks. This time I decide not to lie.

"How many girls have you taken here, how many girls have you told you'd bring into your fear landscape?" I ask finally looking at him. He looks completely taken back by my question.
"Why would you say that?" His answer surprises me but his anger doesn't.

"Think about it Four, our whole lives we've hating each other's guts and now all of a sudden we love each other, why?" I ask.
"I could say the same thing to you, but I don't," he turns the argument around.
"Four I'm sorry, it's going to take a little more than a few kisses to earn my trust after our past."

"A few kisses?" He questions getting mad, "I took you to Bethlehem, I bought you a half a million dollar ring, I would sneak out of my house risk my dad catching me just to be with you, I got you a freaking puppy for Christmas, and now I take you to a place that means a lot to me and offer to show you something personal and you take offense to it?" I don't respond to that, he has a good point, but so do I.

We sit in a tense silence. I can hear the others having fun and I think they're playing chicken. As the minutes tick by so does my patience. I know if one of us walks away we won't come back to each other.

I feel guilty for starting the argument, and kind of stupid. I just have trust issues, I wouldn't be surprised if this whole thing was a prank. But what can I say, my whole life I haven't had one good boyfriend. I guess now I kinda blew it.

"Two," is his answer, "I took two girls here." I feel sadness and jealously consume me. I look in the opposite direction so he doesn't see my face.
"You wanna who they were?" He asks.
"Nita and Lauren?" I joke, he laughs which lightens the mood immediately.
"My sisters."

"I'm sorry," I say looking down, I don't want to look at him I feel guilty enough.
"For what?" he asks.
"For not trusting you, I really feel like an idiot," I mumble the last part.
"Don't worry I wouldn't trust me either," he jokes, I smile and sigh.

"How about for our New Years Resolution we agree to always trust each other," he says.
"I think that would be nice," I glance back to see everyone having a breathe contest. I lean in and kiss him, he reacts immediately and we break apart when we hear someone splash up gasping for air.

I whip around and it's just Uriah who's eyes are popping out of his head as he takes in as much air as he can.

Lynn's POV

I see everyone went up except me so pop up.
"I win again!" I sing.
"You cheated!" Marlene screams while still breathing heavily.
"No one can hold their breath for ten minutes!" Will says.

"Actually, THIS GIRL CAN!" I say pointing to myself. I glance over at Tris and Four who are still looking at the city. It's been 30 minutes are you serious. I hope they really aren't in love cause that would mess up our entire lives!

Shauna and Zeke are already dating which is disgusting, and they messed everything up. We hate each other not love each other!

Zeke's POV

Dang they've been talking for an hour, I hope they date so me and Shauna don't get as much shit from the gang.

Zane's POV

It's been an hour and a half how long are they going to be talking!? They better not be in love. I know they admitted it and stuff but still they better not be in love.

Tris POV

"FIVE FOUR THREE TWO ONE HAPPY NEW YEAR!" We all scream. Four and I stand in the back as all the others cheer and watch the sky fill with colorful lights.

Shauna and Zeke kiss which makes Lynn gag. That's when I feel light lips on mine. I kiss back and we pull away quickly to see if anyone saw. Four smirks and kisses my cheek as we watch the fireworks.

But for some reason I can't stop thinking about the way Lynn looked at Zeke and Shauna. I feel bad that they get a ton of crap from us and we don't get any. I feel like we should tell them.

Uriah's POV

FOUR AND TRIS JUST KISSED!! And it looked like they knew exactly what they were doing! Right when the fireworks went off I turned around and they were KISSING! Oh man Zeke is going to be so mad!

His best friend is doing that to him. Should I tell him though? Should I tell anyone?  


What's your favorite part of the book Divergent?

Mine is when Four gets drunk and tells Tris she looks good😏

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