Chapter 27

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I slowly laid down in the couch, feeling relieved to be doing nothing. My whole body ached in pain, my first time training with Vanessa was finally over. It went from breathing exercises, to sparring. I picked up on a few things very quickly, but I couldn't catch on to some other techniques. With a little more time, Im pretty sure I would catch on soon enough. Even with only one day of practice, she has helped me improve in a lot of things.

Since I'm an air elementist, she taught me all about the history of our element and the Air District. There was one thing she refused to tell me until we were finished. When I asked about her sister and how she became empress, Vanessa didn't want to talk about it. I convinced her to tell me and now I'm dying to know.

Vanessa sat down in her usual spot. I tried to sit up, but my body wouldn't let me. "Just lay down, you need to relax your body." I nodded my head and stretched out a bit more, might as well get comfortable. "Now can you tell me?" "Alright, I'll stay true to my word" she smiled. I turned on my side to face her. "Ok, where should I start. Hmm." I flicked my wrist and the air blew her hair all over her face. "Hey, stop stalling.."

"Okay okay" she said moving her long hair behind her ears. "This won't be the most interesting story, so don't expect much. "Yeah yeah, now tell me." Vanessa took in a deep breath as she reminisced about her past. "Vivian and I were as close as any other siblings. Vivian being the oldest, I've always wanted to be like her. She was pretty, smart, funny and a very good elementist. She had the best group of friends any girl could want."

There's that word again "group" , I already know one of her friends was Emma's mom. Who are the other friends? I snapped out of my train of thought when I felt Vanessa's eyes starring into my soul. "Are you even listening?" I blinked hard twice, "yeah of course."

"Now back to what I was saying. A few years after I graduated from Sky Central, our Emperor at the time was retiring from his position.This was good and bad news, but mostly good cause it was a chance for the Air District to have a younger and strong Emperor or Empress. For years our District has been looked down as one of the weakest, so they announced the new emperor to give the people hope."

I started to get my energy and strength back and I was able sit up now. "I remember like it was yesterday. I was 21 and Vivian was 22, we were having the best year of our lives. She thought it would be a good idea for us to go to the coffee shop for some morning lattes. It started off as a normal day until the Emperor Counsel in sky made a District announcement."

I saw the hurt in Vanessa's eyes and I wondered what's the worst that could've been said. "The Emperor Counsel members said...

"Greetings to all of you in the Air District, today is a very good day. We are here this morning to inform you about your Air Emperor. Aiden has decided it was time to find a new Air Emperor or Empress, because he couldn't continue any longer. Mmm yes it is very sad to hear that...but cheer up citizens there is more news. We the member of the Emperor Counsel have already chosen the next leader of the Air district.

These two young elementists will restore what the Air District has lost, respect. I know you are dying to know who these two are, so I will go ahead and announce their names. The first representative is....Vivian Wells!"

A picture of my sister was on everyone's televisions, showing off her beauty and her fiery fierce look. The look on my sisters face was pure shock. I was very excited to be the sister of the next Air Empress, I gave her a big hug, but she was hesitated to hug me back. She pointed out that there could only be one Emperor or Empress. At that point she was fearing what she had to do if she wanted to be the Empress." I thought to myself, "what did she have to do?"

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