Chapter 23

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My vision blurred in and out, while bells rang in my head. The taste of my own blood filled my mind with overwhelming fear. I stared at the snakes as it did the same, eyeing me down. All of a sudden my head ached with a horrible pain. I clinched my teeth and closed my eyes as tight as I could. My stomach twisted and turned, my fingers cramped and popped. My palms started to burn to the hottest degree. W-what's happening to me....

Off in the distance I saw Devonte slightly move, struggling to get up. His arms looked like noodles when he forced himself to his feet. He popped a piece of chocolate in his mouth and began breathing deeply. He clutched his side, spat blood on the ground and wiped his mouth. He looked over at Rachel and slowly made his way to her. He pushed her body a couple of times, but Rachel didn't move a muscle.

A  sinister voice laughed and growled. "Yesss, yeessss. Be afraid, I can feel your uttermost fear."  No, not now. Why must he bother me now? I won't let him get into my head, I WONT! "Mwuahahaha."  I constantly shook my head."No no no no." I grabbed my ears and squeezed them with all my might. The heat from my hands burned my ears, but nothing compared to having an evil Emperor invade your mind.

"Show me boy, mwuaha...SHOW ME!" "S-show you what?" "Show me the power you harness inside of you." What power? How does he know that I'm a wielder. My body shivered and my muscles tensed. I gritted my teeth and looked over at Devonte. He managed to wake her up. She hoped off the car and looked over at my direction. She quickly put her hand over her mouth with a horror stricken face. She tapped Devonte on his shoulder and his head snapped in my direction.

He sprinted towards me holding his sword. All of a sudden dropped it and clutched both of his ears. Devonte screamed in agony as he dropped to his knees. Rachel, now looking at Devonte, pulled out a sai. She stood in a defensive position, maybe thinking what's happening to us would happen to her next.

She looked around frantically and darted her eyes in every direction. The cobra slithered her way and hissed, daring her to rush in and help us. Rachel was still hurt from crashing into the car, so I doubt she'll be able to defend herself. She didn't make a move, tears fell down her cheek.

Devonte fell on his back, holding his left arm. "Noooo!!!" He screamed repeatedly. Cade has invaded his mind too. "Get-out-of-my-head!" Devonte screamed in pain. He punched the ground and roared. "First my dreams!!! Now my thoughts!!!"

He's been having strange dreams too? I thought it was only me Cade was targeting. Devonte.....
I struggled to my feet and rose to one knee. A sharp pain stabbed my back and I fell on my stomach.

Devonte blurred out and everything went pitch black.

Rachel's POV

I watched in horror as Devin and Devonte suffered from what looked like excruciating pain. I put my sai in a holster and the snake slithered away. I couldn't do anything to help them, if I take one step forward the cobras wouldn't hesitate in attacking me. I ate a piece of chocolate and I instantly started to feel my energy come back.

Devin stopped struggling and laid on the ground breathing heavily. Devonte's screams continued to make its way in my ears. "Devonte!" I called out to him, hoping he would snap out of whatever was going on.

The look he gave me was demonic. His eye color changed from brown, to a deep sea blue. His black messy hair was now a blue liquid form. My eyes lit up with joy as Devin struggled to his feet. He was slumped over clinching his teeth and breathing heavily. He too had a demonic look about him.

His eyes were bloodshot red and his hair was on fire. No, it wasn't on fire it was the fire. Devin stood up straight and cracked his knuckles. The fire from his vortex eased its way up, covering his entire body. He placed both arms out and started spinning.

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