Chapter 22

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Devin's POV

I looked back to check on Rachel. She wasn't really hurt, but she had tired herself out. I clinched my teeth as I glared at the snake. "We are going to need your help" I said. I threw down the pack and she instantly broke off a piece of chocolate.

In a matter of seconds Rachel was up on her feet, but not fully recovered. "Blaze get back boy, this too much for you." Blaze ran back to the sidewalk and sat down obediently.

I looked to my left and Rachel held a sai up to her chest in a defensive position. The middle snake charged an attack, which looked to be fire.

It released a powerful beam, stronger than anything I could create. I snapped my head to my brother. "Got it" he nodded.

Devonte got on one knee and placed both hands on the pavement. A big wave made its way toward the fire. The water created a wall and collided with the blast.

It started to drizzle exactly where the two attacks met. "Care to fill us in?"

"Each snake has a different element. You just witnessed the middle snake's fire blast. The one on the left has dark and to the right, lightning" said Rachel. I grimaced at the information given to me.

We've never fought anyone or anything that has dark element nor lightning....I'm not even sure about fire. "Like 3 heads wasn't trouble enough" Devonte said.

He stood up grabbed the hilt of his sword. The dark snake charged up it's attack and released once again another powerful beam.

Rachel put the sai away and moved her arms in a diagonal pattern, but before she wasted her energy a blast from my sword intercepted the beam.

A gust of wind and dust kicked up as a result. Rachel looked at me with confusion on her face. "You need to save your energy" I said.

Rachel nodded. We have to find an effective way to take this thing down. "Ok, here's what we're going to do. Devonte you focus your attacks on the middle snake. You naturally have an advantage over fire, so it shouldn't be too much of a hassle. Rachel, lighting means speed hopefully you are as quick I think you are. I'll take the dark snake." They nodded in unison.

I had a feeling this plan wouldn't work for long. I can tell we're going to get mixed up. We can split the enemies up, but the snakes will attack anyone they want. "Forget everything I just said."

Both of them drew their eyebrows together. "Trust me." Rachel nodded and looked over at the 3 headed monster. "Something is wrong" she said. "They're not attacking." The snakes moved back and forth, hissing.

"When I fought them, it was one attack after the another. I was constantly moving and wasting energy. I glared at the snakes, Rachel's right. They weren't attacking. What are they waiting for? "That means we have to attack FIRST!" Devonte twirled his sword and charged towards the snakes.

"Devonte NO!" He completely ignored her. Rachel cursed under her breath and ran after him. What has gotten into my brother, I like the energy, but he's still reckless. The snakes quickly charged up attacks, releasing bolts of lighting and beams of  purple.

Devonte dodged the dark snake's attack and Rachel simply leaped over the lightning. Before Devonte could do anything a blast of fire was headed his way. He prepared a defensive attack, but the blast changed its course.

"W-where did it.." The blast was now behind him. Devonte looked or his shoulder, he jumped back and held his sword up to his chest to defend. Rachel landed in front of him with her palms facing the blast and shielded them both from the attack.

"How did it.... Control the direction of the blast" Devonte said. "I couldn't figure that out either" said Rachel. "We can use its power against itself. I tried, but it changed the direction before it was hit."

Burning Darkness [ Under Heavy Construction]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें