Chapter 11

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Sitting down outside of the secret entrance was that girl who robbed the store.

Did she really follow us here? It doesn't matter, this time she won't get away.

"Devin it's that girl" Devonte said. I didn't respond. The only thing I wanted to know was her name.

It seemed like she had waited on us to arrive. I'm really not in the mood to fight anyone.

"Wait, is this the girl that robbed the store? She looks harmless" said Rachel. "You think we can take her?"

"I'm not fighting a girl dude" Devonte said. "Shh no one's fighting" I whispered.

As we approached the entrance, the girl got up and dusted herself off.

"About time you two showed up. I was beginning to think Ronald killed you" she said.

She walked closer to us and flipped her hair. "Then again you have Devin with you, so of course you would live."

She must've sensed one of us plotting something, because she jumped back using the earth as a spring.

We stayed quiet. She put her hands on her hips and smacked her lips. "I thought you guys wanted to talk" she said.

I waited to see if anyone would speak up. "How did you know we would be coming here?"

She tapped her foot then a small rock flew in the air, and it landed in her hand. She looked at us and sighed.

"I have my sources." The girl put her head down. "THINK FAST." She sent the pebble flying towards my face.

Before I had the chance to react, the rock was redirected towards the left and into a wall by a gust of wind.

The girl smiled and tapped her foot again. Even more little rocks appeared and levitated around her.

"And who is this?"
Rachel walked a few paces ahead of us. "Rachel" she said with an attitude.

"Mm." The girl showed no interest. I looked at Devonte and he had a straight face.

As far as first impressions, I could they already don't like each other.
There was a silent stare between the two.

Devonte whispered tapped me on my shoulder and pulled me back. "We need to be careful" he said.

I glanced over at the girls and saw lip movement. "I know, she's sneaky. We can't let her escape without finding out more information about her."

"She's different from the first time we met her" said Devonte. "Confidence. Aggression. It's something. She's definitely itching for a fight."

Rachel is laid back, she won't fight a random person she just met.

My thought process was interrupted, by a rock speeding past my face.
"What the!"

We turned our attention towards the source. Rachel was being relentlessly targeted by the rocks.

Rachel went on the defensive redirecting and stopping the projectiles.

The girl stayed on the offensive. She jumped to the side and sent a medium sized boulder at Rachel.

She caught Rachel by surprise and it got really close to her body. Rachel's quick thinking allowed her to use the rock as a boost, kick off of it, then send it hurtling back towards the girl with a strong gust of wind.

The girl went underground and came back up.

"Pfft" Rachel sneered.

"How about a little spar then" the girl said.

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