Chapter 25

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Emma's eyes widened and her mouth fell open. She jerked back and shook her head, trying to comprehend what I just said. "Wait, what do you mean by both?" I rubbed my hands together and blew my breath to warm them up. "Exactly what both means, Devin and Devonte changed during that fight with the cobras." Emma looked away and started speaking under her breath, the only thing I could make out was two wielders . She gave me a questionable look, full of uncertainty.

"Are you sure?" I nodded my head. Emma stared at me for a couple of seconds before asking another question. "Positive?" I sighed and nodded my head once more. She leaned back and covered her hands with her mouth. "Look no matter how many times you question me, I know who what I saw. I mean who else could it have been?" Emma leaned in quickly and bucked her eyes. "So there's a possibility it wasn't him?" I crossed my arms. "Are you serious? Emma shrugged her shoulders, "Why not?"

"You've got to be kidding me. Yeah, it was someone else; of course it was Devonte!" There was a chilling silence in the alley. "Really?" I rolled my eyes and flicked my wrist up, a gust of wind pushed Emma back to her rock stump. She was stunned as she did a couple of hard blinks. "That wasn't necessary" she said trying to pull herself together. "Well you deserved it for acting dumb and delusional." Emma slightly smiled and crossed her legs. Is this the real Emma? Could this be her true personality? Maybe she's just following orders again... I looked over at her, glancing at her clothes and facial expression. She seemed more relaxed and down to earth.

She did come to the Fire District to talk to me. By the looks of it all, she came on her own decision. Cade slipped into my mind and instantly pushed the thought away. I need to get more information out of her. I need to know more about Cade, about this journey, but more importantly... about what I got myself into. In order for me to do that, she wants me to tell her about Devin and Devonte. Then i could smoothly change the subject. I looked at Emma and cleared my throat. "Why can't Devonte be a wielder? You seem fine with Devin being one, but not Devonte." Emma scratched her forehead and sighed.

"It's not that he can't be a wielder. He can't be wielder, is what I'm trying to say." I drew my eyebrows together, utterly confused. "Come again?" Emma face palmed. "Ugh, it's really complicated." I tilted my head,."How come?" She gritted her teeth and shook her head. She's hiding something, but it's the other kind of hiding. Usually when someone is keeping something from you, they just don't want to tell you. Another type of hiding is when the person wants to tell you, but they can't. Not because it's difficult, but because it would mean hurting that person or it would put them in danger.

She can't hurt me in any way, so it must be related to Cade. He probably threatened her..... "Can you please give me a gist of what happened. I nodded my head... "After the cobra knocked us out with...I don't know, its tail maybe. I opened my eyes to see-" "The wielder's elemental mode..." I shook my head, "No, not yet. Devonte helped me up and I peered across the parking lot. Devin was on his knees." Emma's facial expression went from curiosity to worrisome. "It was weird, Devin was staring at his if.....there was something wrong."

Emma lowered her head. "I didn't see anything in his hand, he didn't lose his element or anything. He covered his ears and fell on his back." Just recalling the memory makes me sad. "I could see the agony and pain he was holding back. I couldn't hear any screams, but anyone can tell he was in excruciating pain." Emma let out a low whimper and she covered her mouth. Her eyes became teary, but Emma wouldn't let them fall. I tried my best not to make eye contact, I didn't want to cry. I took in a deep breath and let exhaled.

"Devonte took off to help him, but before he could get past the cobras...he stopped and yelled." I chocked and struggled on the words I was going to say. "What did he say?" "Um...he was about Cade. He said something like "first you're in my dreams, now you're in my thoughts." Emma was shocked at what I said. "I didn't know he was communicating with Devonte too." "Wait, you knew he was talking to Devin?" Emma sighed and nodded. "How did you find out? Did he tell you?" I shook my head. "While we were in the Fire District, he became friends with a girl. He obviously trusted her more than us, because he told her about this whole journey." Emma shook her head. "no, there was reason why he told her." I shrugged my shoulders

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