Chapter Eight

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Now i will not be annoying like Dora, so, I shall let you read....


I stared at the microwave, waiting for my milk to warm up so I can finish making my hot chocolate that I love.  But knowing it was bad for my eyesight I pealed my eyes away and leaned against the counter.  After breakfast, Rachel and Erin went to shop for snacks and movies and probably candy, too.  Hailey and Mariah are talking to the boys in the living room about something random.  Lizzy actually went with Rach and Erin.  The little toddler didn't want to go at first, but she ran out of Haribos that she had and wanted to go.  Let me tell you, she is a weird child.  But that just means she fits in with the rest of us perfectly!

After hearing the annoying beeping sound of the microwave timer going off, I quickly opened it up and grabbed the mug that had the now warm milk in out and on the counter.  I put the mix in there, stirred it up with a spoon, and then got some marshmellows to put in there to make it perfecto.  Taking my drink, I hopped onto the counter and sat Indian style.  While I drank my hot chocolate, I started thinking about what all has happened in the past couple of days.

It started out with the girls and I just hanging out while sharing a sonic blast.  We were joking around and laughing at each other. Sometimes we teased each other about who we liked; I was the one who mostly got teased about that.  -_- not cool, man.  Not. Cool...  Then there was that fire at the daycare where we saved the kids after I came up with the idea.  And then I found out that the girl I saved was an orphan and the fat lady with a muffin top wanted me to adopt her, so I did; but not officially.  Then One Direction came into the picture which caused Rachel to faint.  Later on when she woke Harry drove us to our house so I could officially adopt Elizabeth.  But then Liam had to help and he is now kinda her adopted dad...  That night Mariah let the boys sleep over after getting kicked out of a hotel.  Yesterday Lizzy almost died and I had to use my gun...Liam kissed my cheek after that and I'm still not over that and it has been a whole day.  And finally the guys stayed over again!  Seriously, these past few days have been crazy, weird, odd and fun!  But-

I was interrupted from my thoughts when someone poked my nose.  I blinked a couple of times before looking up and seeing Liam infront of me.  He was simling; making me smile as well.

"Hey Liam." I said a bit cheerfully.  He laughed at me and I took a sip of my almost gone hot chocolate.

"Happy to see me?" Liam asked.

With a straight face as best as I could, I said, "No."

Liam started pouting and crossed his arms.  "Why not?"

I started laughing and then ruffled his hair a bit.  "Of course I'm happy to see you!  I mean, you're Liam Payne and in my house."  I took another sip of my drink, finsihing it.

Liam's smile returned on his face as Louis ran in and stood beside Liam.  "Hi Lou." I said at the same time as Liam.  Let's just say I acted like I didn't say anything when Louis looked at us both weirdly.

Shaking his head, Louis asked, "What's up?"

"Just talking." Liam replied.

"Actually the sky is up," I stated to them both.

Liam laughed and leaned against the counter in front of me.  "You can call me 'Li', Kira."  I did a slight happy dance and looked back at Louis.

The Tommo just nodded.  "Well it's good that Kira knows what's actually up and that you two are just talking, because Simon needs to talk to you, Liam."  He paused.  "Well, you and Zayn."

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