Chapter Four

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Rachel has fainted and now the boys; Liam, Harry, Louis, Niall, and Zayn, are trying to carry her over to a bench.  Mariah and Erin walked up to Hailey and I, who were watching the boys.  All of us were shocked.  I mean, we live in Mississippi.  Why are they here?  No one famous, that I remember, has ever came here to Mississippi.  Okay, maybe Chris Tomlin when I got to see him in concert, but ONE DIRECTION?! I have to be dreaming.  I must have fallen asleep as I was laying on the ground, because this can't be real.  Not. At. All.

"Kira!" Mariah snapped my out of my thoughts and I looked at he, a bit confused why she yelled my name.  She pointed to someone in front of me, so I turned my head. 

When I realized that Liam and Zayn were in front of me holding Elizabeth, I kinda lost my balance and stumbled back.  The girls snickered at me.  I shot daggers at them, telling them to shut up as my cheek turned pink.  I turned back to the boys and Lizzy.  "Uh... Hi..?" I said quietly.

"Hello!" Zayn exclaimed. 

"Hey." Liam said, slightly waving.  Hailey poked my side and I gently shoved her hand away. 

"So...uh..." I said.  "" I looked over at Mariah, trying to get to help me out.  I'm not talking to these boys alone!

"How are you boys today?" she asked, getting the mesage and walked up beside me.  The two guys looked at each other, then back at us.

"We've been good." Liam replied.  "You girls?"  I just shrugged.  I couldn't really talk right now.  I wanted to laugh, but I tried my best not to.  Hailey spoke up though.

"We've been fine." Hailey told them.  Zayn and Liam nodded.  Elizabeth started squirming in Zayn's arms so he let her down.  She ran over to me and I picked her up.

"Is that your little sister?" Zayn asked.  My eyes widened a bit.  Er... Uh...

"I, uh... I,uh, am adopting her.  I still need to sign the papers so...."  I looked at the ground, laughing as Lizzy played with a strand of my hair.  I looked back up to Liam kinda shocked, but happy.  Zayn just looked confused.  Why would he look confused?

"But you two..." he started.  "You two look like you should be sisters or something."

"She doesn't have any younger siblings." Erin told him.  I nodded.  I heard a "The girl is waking up!" from Louis and Niall from the bench where Rachel was, still fainted and just now waking up.  Where's Harry?

**Rachel's P.O.V**

I was just walking around infront of he now non burning building, humming to myself.  The little kids kept on asking me to play with them, but I wasn't in the mood.  I'm tired and just want to go home and watch a movie with the girls. 

I kept on just walking around, so i decided to find Kira.  Guess what I found?  Kira was surrounded by five boys.  They looked very familiar and she looked a bit shocked.  I took a few steps closer, trying to recognize the faces.  Then Hailey walked up, saying, "Yo Kira!  Whe-" she stopped mid sentance and I was a bit confused.  But the next few words she said, well asked, made me recognize the boys.  "Is that One Direction?"  Kira replied, but I was getting light headed and everything around me was going black.  The last thing I new I was falling to the ground, fully passed out.

"She's waking up!" I heard two familiar voices yell out and my eyes fluttered open.  I groaned as I accidently hit my head in the back of the bench. 

Wait, since when was I in a bench?  I opened my eyes though to see eight faces looking down at me.  Kira, Mariah, Erin, Hailey, Liam, Zayn, Niall, and Louis.  And Elizabeth.  I smiled at my friends, but then a scared expression went across my face.  I thought I would never see One Dire-  Where's Harry?

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