Chapter One

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Hailey and Erin walked infront of us while Mariah, Rachel, and I walked behind them with the Sonic Blast that was slowly melting.  We promised each other we wouldn't take a bite until we got to the park, so I was literally dying right now.  Sonic Blasts is my weakness.  Well I could say the same thing about fire because whenever I see it I have to play with it....  That's why I stole match boxes from my sister's wedding....................   Ssssshhhhh don't tell anyone!

Mariah must have noticed me just staring at the blast, so she clapped her hands infront of my face.

"Wha...?" I looked up and around and the to Mariah, who was laughing at me.  "Shuttup!  I'm hungry and this stupid hot weather isn't helping as I hold awesomeness in meh hands!"  Rachel looked at me and started laughing, I'm guessing I made a weird face.  Hailey and Erin turned around to see what they were laughing about and stopped walking. 

"Why are Mariah and Rachel laughing?" Erin asked.  I shrugged and held the blast closer to me.  "Kira...  Are you sure you're not going to eat the Sonic Blast?"  I slowly nodded and started skipping the rest of the way to the park. 

"Kira come back here!" Hailey quickly followed me.  "I don't think we should trust you with the blast..."  I turned to her and frowned.

"But.... I promise I wont eat it the rest of the way to the park!" I defended myself.  But now that I think about me having the blast the rest of the fifteen minutes....  I actually don't trust myself either. 

"Kira..." Rachel and Mariah said together, indicating I should give Hailey the blast so it wouldn't get eaten by, well, me.  I sighed and forced myself to give Hailey the blast.

"Good, Kira." she said, patting my head.  I smiled and skipped the rest of the way to the park.

By the time we got there, the summer weather had melted some of the blast and everyone was tired of walking.  Rachel layed down in the grass beside Erin and Hailey handed me the blast, letting me have the first bite.  I did a quick happy dance and took a bite of it.  I swear, I felt burning up!  Then after I sat down, Mariah sat beside, leaving Hailey to only sit ontop of Erin. 

"HAILEY!" she yelled once Hailey actually sat ontop of her.  The rest of us laughed as she got comfertable.  "Get off! I need to breathe!"

Hailey gasped.  "Are you syaing I'm fat?!" 

"She's not saying you're fat..." Rachel said.  "She's saying you just weigh so much that she needs to breathe!"  Hailey pouted and sat on the grass and front of everyone.

"We still love you, Hailey Styles." Mariah said.  I nodded, agreeing with her. 

"But....." she said.

"You aren't fat!  What if Harry told you that you weren't fat right now?!  Would you still be saying we called you fat because i couldn't breathe when you sat on me!?"  Hailey shook her head no at what Erin said.  "Good..." 

For some time we talked, shared the blast (Me getting most of it since no one else really wanted one that melted stuff), made jokes, me actually saying perverted things because I wanted too, and we also just looked at hte clouds.  I mean, we had nothing else to do after thirty minutes.  Soon after watching the clouds, though.  Smoke started coming from the daycare place across the road.  We all sat up and stared at it until Rachel noticed there was actually a fire inside of the building where little kids are. 

People were runnig past us, screaming for help and trying to call the fire deparment THAT IS AN HOUR OR SO AWAY! 

Then an idea came to my head after just staring at the burning building.

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