Chapter Five

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"Bye, boys!" I yelled out to Joe and Luke as they walked out of the house.  I heard a faint bye from them and sighed. 

One Direction left about thirty minutes ago because Paul had to call them.  He thought they got kidnapped or something because they didn't tell them where they were going.  Then Simon called them, telling them to head back to the hotel.  Luke and Joe seemed pretty happy that they left.  The girls, Lizzy, and I didn't really want them to leave. And then as you can see Luke and Joe had to leave.

I looked over at Mariah and started to laugh a little.  None of us have still taken a shower from going into the burning building and we most likely look like a complete mess. 

Mariah stared at me, confused.  "What are you laughing at?"

"Oh, nothing...  Just that none of us have taken a shower yet." I said. The girls looked at each other and Lizzy crawled onto my lap.  "So, who's gonna take the fist shower?" Everyone shrugged, causing me to slightly glare at them. 

"Okay, fine!  How about little Lizzy here takes a bath?" Rachel suggested.  "I'll help her so you can just chilax." I nodded and told Lizzy to follow Rachel when she started leaving. 

After they were both out of sight, I layed on the couch and curled up into a ball.  Mariah sat at me feet and yawned.  Erin and Hailey sat on the floor infront of me.  "Is Kira tired?" Mariah asked, poking my side.

Shoving her hand away, I said, "A little.  Today was just...unexpecting and weird..."  I let out another yawn.

"Hey, Kira, where's Lizzy's things?" Rachel asked, coming back in the living room.  I pointed to the door and she nodded, going over to the bags of Elizabeth's stuff.  When she walked back through the living room to go back to Lizzy, she mumbled a quiet "Thanks".  I just did a thumbs up and yawned again. 

"I'm taking a shower next." I warned the others. 

"Well, of course you are." Erin agreed.  "You're super tired and keep yawning.  Just don't use up all the hot water!"  I did a thumbs up again and Mariah laughed at me.

"Too tired to actually talk I see." she told me.

"Oh, shut up!" I slowly sat up and slapped her arm.  She put her hand over the spot on her arm that I slapped and acted hurt.  I smiled a bit and turned to Hailey and Erin.  "So..." 

"Erin...." Mariah siad.  Erin looked up at her.  Mariah looked over at Erin's peice of chocolate and grabbed it. "Thanks!"  She quickly jumped up off the couch and started running to her room up stairs.

"Come back with my chocolate!" Erin screamed and started chasing after.  I started laughing and so did Hailey.

"Neverrrrrrr!" Mariah yelled out and finally got to the top of the stairs.  She was about to camly walk into her room when Erin tackled her and tried to get the chocolate from her.  "It's mine now, Erin!" 

"No it is not!" Erin pried the chocolate from Mariah's hand started walking back down the stairs.  When she got to the last step, she tripped and did a front flip, landing on her butt infront of the front door.  Mariah, who was pouting at the top of the stairs, started laughing at her.  Hailey and I have been laughing, but laughed harder when Erin did that.  She was now the one pouting. 

"It's not funny!" She said, standing up and taking a bite of the chocolate.

"What's not funny?" Rachel asked, walking in with a now clean Lizzy who was dressed in her PJs.  

"Mariah stole Erin's chocolate and Erin chased her up the stairs." I said.

"Then Erin tackled Mariah and when she was walking back down the stairs after she got the chocolate back, Erin did some front flip and landed on her butt in front of the front door." Hailey laughed.  Lizzy started laughing too and Rachel just shook her head.

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