The Plan

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"A plan? What do you mean a plan?" Undyne asks the three police officers. Undyne puts her hands on her hips and raises a questioning eyebrow. "Well since you guys need to go to court-" Jen was interrupted by Sans.
"Woah, woah, court? What did we do?" Sans asks loudly.
"Sorry man but thats what has to be done. You can't just let monsters roam around like this with out being permitted. This would bring chaos if the other people didn't know!" Mark explains.
Sans let out a sigh. "I guess your right but." Sans pauses for a moment."Don't ya think thats a bit much?" Jen simply put her hand on Sans shoulder. Sans was pretty surprised about her quick understanding. "Sorry but we actually contacted the local government. He said that we had to have a court session about this whole humans and monster deal." Jen tried to explain nicely. Sans was thinking for awhile. Then Sans just looked at Toriel and nodded. Toriel faced toward Jen and spoke. "Sans understands." Mark, Jack, and Jen nodded once.
   "Now what was the plan you spoke of?" Asgore said to the three.
   "Ah right. Um." Mark said slowly.   
"Well since your going to court you need a place to stay. We decided you guys could stay at one of our places." We all look at Mark.
   " very kind, thank you." Toriel grinned at all of them.
   "So who's house are you going to stay at? Jack asked us. We all looked at each other and shrugged. Then everyone looked at me. Are you serious, they want me to- a voice interrupted me as i thought. "Well? Whose house are we staying at Frisk?." Flowey frowned a bit because I stayed silent. "Speak up!" Flowey was getting a bit annoyed now. "Um we could stay at Jack's house." I said. Jack grinned and gave me a thumbs up.  "Well then." Jen faced toward Jack. "We'll visit you Jack to check on how you're doing with these guys."
   "Cool" Sans said.
   Suddenly i saw rustling in the bushes. I raised my eyebrow and stared at the bush. It rustled again. "Frisk, are you alright?" Asgore asked me. I pointed toward the bush that moved. Everyone turned around to look at what i was pointing at. The bush moved again. I saw black and pink behind the bush for a second. Well i know who that is, i think to myself. I look at Alphys, she moves her mouth as if she was saying "Mettaton." I nod my head slowly.
   "Eh? What are you guys doing?" Undyne looks toward me and Alphys. Undyne saw Alphys lip talking to me apparently.
   "Um i-i think that we know who is b-behind the b-bush." Alphys tells Undyne.
   "Who?" Undyne says. Alphys opened her mouth to speak but was interrupted by.......that guy.
   "HELLO BEAUTIES AND GENTLE BEAUTIES." The thing behind the bush exclaimed.
    Undyne looks at me. "Oh." She said.
   Mettaton stepped out of the bushes. To reveal him being in his...form. The three police officers were confused.
I looked at the other police officers in the area. Apparently all of them would peek over at us every minute, and eventually they saw Mettaton. The majority of them had surprised expressions on their faces, some of them had their mouths wide open. Some other police officers just had a weird expression that's hard to explain. It's a expression that just looks like you are questioning something ALOT.
"Is, uh, that a robot?" Mark asked
   "UH YES. THIS ROBOT WAS INVENTED BY THE GREAT DOCTER ALPHYS. THE ROBOT IS ALSO A MONSTER." Papyrus explained. Mark, Jack, and Jen face palmed. "I thought you guys were the only monsters!" Jen exclaimed. Hm, guess we forgot to tell them, I thought. "No....There is many more monsters coming to the surface. Chances are most of them will travel here." Asgore said.
   I didn't notice but Mettaton was right behind me and put his shoulder on me. I jumped slightly. "Why hello there, names Mettaton." Mettaton said in his usual voice. "Um I'm Jen. This is Jack and Mark." Jen gestured toward the people when she said their names.
"Mettaton, w-why are you in t-that form?" Alphys inquired.
"Because dear." Mettaton put his hands on his hips and winked at Alphys.
I looked at Alphys. Her mouth was in a straight line and she just stared at Metatton. Alphys looked a bit annoyed, but then suddenly Alphys looked worried and started sweating. Eh? I thought for a little while longer. Oh........OH SHOOT! I became tense and worried now too. I looked at Alphys and I just silently scream. The others just stared at us, they were questioning us a lot, I could tell. Mettaton removed his hands from his hips and patted me on the head. "Don't worry darling, I don't have the thirst for human blood anymore." Mettaton spoke and smiled. Me and Alphys made a loud sigh of relief. Phew, that was scary. Toriel, Asgore, Flowey, Sans, Papyrus, and Undyne all looked at each other. I could tell they understood now because of their facial expressions. Jack, Mark, and Jen though......They didn't understand a thing. "W-we can explain t-that later." Alphys told them. Mark rose and eyebrow but decided not to talk. It was probably the correct choice to do right now.
"As I was saying." Jen continued to talk about the plan. "You'll stay at Jacks house. We'll visit you every now and again."
"It isn't the biggest house but it's big enough to keep all of you there. Looks like I have to prepare one more guest though." Jack looked at Mettaton. Jack smiled at Mettaton, and gave him a thumbs up.
"I can drive you guys to Jacks place." Mark offered. Jack's face lightened up as he said that.
"Sure! Since there is a lot of you guys I'll need to drive you guys too. What about you Jen?" Jack turned to face Jen.
"Well I have to tell everyone about the whole situation so I guess I have to stay behind. I'll follow you guys to Jack's house later!" Jen told us. "Okay!" Mark and Jack exclaimed in unison.
Jack then looked over to us and motioned us over to follow him. Jen stayed were she was and waved back at us, and we waved back. We all traveled as a group behind Jack and Mark. "This is very kind of you Jack, and Mark, thank you." Toriel told them. Jack shrugged it off like it is nothing. "It's nothing!" We kept walking. It looked like we were heading towards the opposite side of the park so we could go to the parking lot. I looked over at Papyrus.I was checking to see how he was walking, and thankfully he wasn't limping anymore. That really released a lot of my tension, it was good to see him doing great again. After a few more minutes of walking we finally reached his car. It's one of those van-like police cars. I don't really know how else to describe it. We stopped in front of 2 cars. Jack standing in front of one and Mark standing in front of the other car.
"You can choose which car you can go to. Four per car." Mark said to us.
"Um b-but there is nine of us." Alphys corrected Mark. Mark thought for a moment.
"Well one car can have five but it has to include the flower." Mark explained.
"Hey! I have a name you know you idiot!" Flowey yelled at Mark. "Don't you remember my name?!"
"Okay, okay, relax." Mark said. "Anyways, you get to pick. So choose."
   We all grouped together so we were standing in a circle type of formation. Asgore looked at me. "Frisk, would you like to pick who goes with you?" Asgore asked me. I wave my hands and shake my head. Asgore smiled. "It's okay Frisk, I believe we all want you to pick." I looked at the others, and they all agreed with Asgore. I grow a grin on my face, they trust me so much. "I guess I could go with Flowey, Toriel, Asgore, and Alphys." I said to the group. The others liked my choices but I don't think they really understand why. I want Flowey to adjust to us a bit better. If I remember correctly in the true lab there was entries that were connected to Flowey so that's why I chose Alphys. I chose Toriel and Asgore because Flowey was their son, and I want them to connect a bit more. I snap out of my thoughts and return to reality. I look over to Flowey, as usual he was being carried by Toriel. Flowey looked up at me and a couple seconds later he looked away. I bet he knows why I chose Toriel, Asgore and Alphys. I looked up at Mark. "Me, Flowey, Asgore, and Alphys with go with you Mark. Jack you'll go with Sans, Papyrus, Undyne, and Mettaton."
   "Okay." Jack said
   "Cool." Mark replied.
   From there the group split up, we got into the cars, and drove to Jack's house.

-(Sorry if there are typos, I finished writing this at 12:00 PM, lol).

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