Chapter 23

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"Levi, has anyone ever told you how bad of a singer you are?"

My hands were covering my both the ears while Levi's voice was aching my ear drums.

Seriously, she can't sing to save a life.

"Well sorry that I don't give a poop." She rolls her eyes dramatically.

We were in my apartment after college. Yes, I was about to move in with Peter and all but I decided that I rather stay here than in a big mansion.

Peter didn't like it here because of the thugs and people roaming around stealing things but I assured him that I'll be alright.

He agreed to it but he told me that he would be paying my house rent and all the fees.

First, I denied it of course but then Peter goes on insisting.

"Let me be a good father for once."

His words not mine. He actually pleaded me that he wanted to pay my rent.

Now how that sounds?

I knew he wasn't about to give up so I accepted. At least, he's letting me to stay in here.

Oh, and he also told me to 'quit' my job. But of course, that I didn't.

I was saving up money for something special.

"God, how much I love Fridays." Levi says giggling and falls on my bed faced down.

I roll my eyes at her typical ways.

And then I remembered something.

"Levi? What's up with you & your parents? I mean they're nice people and all but why were you so....quiet?"

Levi immediately sits straight up in the bed. Her legs folding Indian style.

"What?" She furrows her brows in confusion, obviously faking it.

"Playing dumb, are we?" I snickered.

I walk towards her and sit beside her in the bed.

I turn to her and look at her face, trying to read out her expression which was neutral.

I sighed and faced the front, looking nowhere in particular.

"I don't know anything about you Levi." I say softly.

And it was the truth. I didn't know anything about her other than her parents and the tree house.

"What's there to know about me Chase? I'm just another face in the crowd." She laughs.

But she was not. For me, she wasn't just another face in the crowd. She was more than that for me.

Faces in the crowd couldn't make me laugh like Levi does. Faces in the crowd couldn't make my chimpanzees dance. Faces in the crowd couldn't make me change myself. Faces in the crowd just couldn't do anything that Levi does for me.

Nope, she probably wasn't another face in the crowd.

"Levi you don't understand, do you?" I say while smiling at her oblivious ways.

"What's there to understand Chase?" She says this so simply but only I know there was another meaning to that sentence.

"What's there not to understand Levi?" I remark.

"Forget it." She shakes her head and falls back to bed.

"Why you don't have any friends?" I ask.

"I don't know." Was her simple reply and she drifted off to sleep.

I watched her sleeping like a creep but that was more calming than anything.

Levi was a complicated person. I was just a messed up. She fixed me when I was broke. But I don't know how to repay her back.

"Chase." I hear her calling my name.

"Yes Levi."

"Don't dwell on it much. Somethings are better left unsaid."

It was a statement and that is when I knew I wasn't about to find out anything about Levi anytime soon.

Yes, I was angry because I wanted her to open up to me. For once, I wanted to be the one to help her.

And for once I wanted her to know that I would be there for her when everybody leaves.

"Lay with me."

It was an order that Levi commanded and I was by far the most happiest person to do what she said.

But this time, we didn't just sleep awkwardly like last time.

This time, Levi took her hand in mine and gripped it so tightly like she was afraid to let me go.

And I was afraid that something would happen to her.

I got the terrible feeling in my stomach. No, it wasn't at all because of her touch. Something in my gut told me that there was something wrong with Levi.

Levi's hand was shaking but she was asleep. Maybe, she was in a nightmare in the daylight?

I push her head up softly and place it on my shoulder with my arms around her, protecting her.

I'd never seen Levi sad. I know it was the stupid thing to want to see someone sad but in life everyone is sad for some period of time.

I've never seen the sadness around Levi.

I was used to her grinning ways but I wanted to be there for her when she cried too. I wanted to protect her from the world. I wanted to see her in worse condition where she breaks down. I wanted to be her shoulder to cry on and most of all,

I wanted to be someone she thought who was there for her, just like she did to me.

I kissed Levi on her forehead and leaned my head on hers as I lost myself in the enigma of Levi Anderson.

I didn't realise until now that I was in love with Levi.

I didn't realise until now that I could sleep peacefully when she was beside me.


A/N : Few more chapters to go guys. Probably more 5 or 4.

Also, I'll be starting up with my new story ' Hashtag Criminal.'

I've put it in my wall, go ahead and check the description and tell me what you think about it.



LEGIT (Completed) #Wattys2016Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz