Chapter 15

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"You live alone!" Levi was surprised and I had to shrug my shoulders.

"Well now I know why you are such a compact person." She nods her head and says.

"I'm not a compact person, I just don't like to handle people's shit." I state and walk to my kitchen with Levi behind me.

"Do you want something to eat?" I ask.

"You cook?"

I give her the look while glaring at her.

"I'm making chicken sandwich." I say and start on with my job.

"Can I help?"

"No." I reply simply.

"Well ok."

Levi sits on the kitchen counter and I could feel her gaze watching me while I make sandwich.

"You really are something Chase." She mutters to herself under her breath but I already hear her and my lips twitches from the side as I carry on with my work.

You really are something too Levi, I thought.

We ate our dinner in silence but I still stole few glances at her.

My shirt was baggy for her but it was a better sight. She looked like a nerd but she sure as hell pulled off the cute nerd look.

She was eating like she haven't eaten for months, she wasn't even glancing up from her plate.

I simply rolled my eyes at her typical behaviour.

After dinner, we decided to watch TV as we had nothing to do and tomorrow was saturday.

I turned up to a channel where the movie 'Finding Nemo' was on and suddenly I hear the girly squeal from my side.

"That's my favourite movie !" She exclaims in excitement and focuses on the movie without looking anywhere else.

After sometimes, when I wasn't able to focus on the movie because I personally thought it was boring, I look at Levi. I don't know why I always end up looking at her but I do.

Maybe it's because I like to watch her face or her grins or her in my clothes or how she gets excited by little things or how happy she seems when she's with me.

I could go on forever about this girl but I still didn't know whether I should just trust her or not because I know that people change.

But Levi was different right?

It was becoming harder for me to just sit here beside her and not just grab her and do whatever I wanted. Even if it means grabbing her hand and watching the movie quietly.

I liked the feeling of her hand in mine at the lake. I wanted to hold it again.

"You don't want to sleep?" I say softly breaking the silence.

"Not really." She shrugs not leaving her eyes from the movie.

"Well whenever you want, you can switch off the TV and sleep in my bed." I say and walk off to my kitchen to fill the bottle of water for myself because let's just get this one thing straight, nobody likes to wake up during midnight for drinking the freakin' water.

"Where are you going to sleep?" She questions once I come back to the room.

Her eyes were now focused on me.

"Just here in the couch." I say and lay on my couch with my feet on Levi's lap.

I smirk when I see her deathly glare but she doesn't pushes my leg away as she continues watching movie in a low volume.

I try to sleep but I couldn't, instead I watch Levi as her eyelids starts to get heavy and she starts drooping off to sleep.

Just one more minute and she'll be asleep.

As I thought, Levi was asleep in a minute but the problem was, she was gripping my freakin' leg.

I try to get my leg out of her hands and stand up. Taking the remote and switching off the TV, I keep the remote to the side and look at Levi.

I thought for a moment whether I should carry her to the bed or I should just leave her here to be.

Ofcourse being the bad boy, I decided to carry her to the bed.

I picked her up bridal style from the couch and took her to my bedroom and place her in my bed.

I push the coverlet till her neck and sit in the other side of bed, just watching her.

Her laying like this and me just watching her sleep was too creepy but I could not care less about it.

I watched her breathing calmly and her innocent face with no smiles.

There was just this feeling inside me telling me to just leave everything behind and just start new.

I don't know. When I'm with Levi I want to be good. I want to prove her that I'm the right person though I'm not even trying to impress her or anything for that matter.

It was so fuckin' confusing that I had to stop myself from banging my head on the wall.

Yes, I liked the feeling but I just wasn't ready.

And the only problem was, I was so used to Levi that even if I push her away right now I would want her back.

Everything Levi does, it allures me to no extent. There are moments when she's too annoying but I still find myself amused by it.

"Chase, instead of watching me like a creep. Why don't you sleep beside me?" I hear Levi and was fully surprised.

Because One, all these time she was pretending to be asleep.

Two, she just said me to lay with her.

"C'mon, come here." She says softly gesturing me beside her spot.

I was excited, though I know nothing was gonna happen between us and I was beyond furious too because right this moment I was melting for a girl and I wasn't even arguing about it.

What the hell was Levi doing to me?

I lay beside her awkwardly. I mean, I was afraid if my hand might just accidently touch her and she would take it in a wrong way and yell at me.

God, I was being such a pussy right now.

"Chase, I'm not gonna bite you. " she smirks under her breath.

I look at her. Her eyes were closed and she was facing towards my side. A small smile played on her lips.

I realised I was laying stiff in the bed. Sighing, I move comfortably and look at the ceiling.

It was hard controlling myself each second when Levi was here, laying right beside me.

The chimpanzees inside my stomach were doing jumping jacks and I had to grip my fist tightly to the sides.

I wonder why would she let me sleep beside her knowing I was a man with hormones.

The question went flying off the window when I heard her say,

"Don't worry Chase, I trust you. Goodnight."

She trusted me?

I didn't know what was it that Levi cast on me but it sure as hell was some kinda magic potion cuz right when I switched off the lights, I found myself smiling like an idiot.

And soon after grinning like a kid, for the first time I drifted off to sleep with smile on my face and Levi on my mind.

LEGIT (Completed) #Wattys2016Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat