Chapter 22

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Imagine my face when I got to know that Levi's parents were the freakin' Investigators for the crime branch.

Well that quite explained the hesitation on Levi's face and why she always didn't want to talk about them.

Their identity was statutory to not be taken out and they lived underground instead.

Levi had her own apartment up where she & Levi's younger brother lived with of course an house maid to do the cooking and things.

We were sitting in a casual restaurant which was booked for us for the night and nobody was allowed in here.

I wore my formal clothing again but that was only because Levi said that I looked good in it when we were returning home from Peter's mansion.

One week had already been passed since I had 'The Talk' with Peter. I thought he was lying and I wasn't about to just agree to his crap but then he showed me the articles on the internet about the incidents which happened and to say that I was surprised would be the understatement of the century because I never thought that was the main reason.

And I swear once I meet this Jaden guy, I'm gonna rip his heart out.

After when Peter's family and business had fallen apart, Mr. Anderson- Levi's dad- was the first to help him to build his company again. He had provided all the money Peter wanted. Why? I didn't know.

Levi knew about it too, since she had known Peter while she was a kid and all.

"So you are the infamous Chase Walters." Mr. Anderson spoke with the world's most intimidating expression on his face.

To be honest, I was seconds away from pissing my pants.

He looked truly young and all glory but not a hint of a smile on his face. It had me wonder was he even Levi's dad? Because Levi grinned all the freakin' time.

"Yes sir." I hesitated before answering.

Peter and me were sitting beside each other with Lee on my right side and Levi's Dad and her mom were sitting in front of us with Levi by their side.

Levi was acting all shy and didn't once look up from her plate.

My gaze kept on falling on her after every seconds and I wondered what was up with her?

"Why ya hesitating kid?" He said and narrowed his piercing green eyes which were exactly like Levi.

The table was quite. It was awkward and the tension was in the air.

My gaze fell on Mrs. Anderson and she had a sly smile on her face which she was trying hard to hide.

But she was different. I mean not just different but she was the whole new another person. From which I know this wasn't Levi's mom from the picture in the tree house.

Was she her step mom or something?

Lee- who was in his teens by the way- was just bothered about his food.

And Peter? Well he had the same expression as Mrs. Anderson.

My body was stiff under Mr. Anderson's gaze and all I wanted to do was go home right now.

Seem like meeting the Andersons was not at all the good idea.

I was about to answer his question when everybody bursts out laughing in the table, even Levi who took her time to look up from her plate.

I furrowed my brows in confusion.

"I'm just kidding Chase. Trust me." Mr. Anderson says laughing and I left the breathe I was holding.

At least I know he wasn't those type of investigators who doubted anything and everything that they see.

I shake my head and give them a small smile.

"I was on the verge of peeing my pants. No kidding." I say and everybody starts to laugh again.

Maybe, Levi's family was like this. No wonder she smiled so much.

We talked and talked some more. My relation with Peter was still not very good but we were progressing.

And Levi looked simple today. She didn't speak too much and I so wanted to hear her voice which also reminded me that I yet have to apologise for my behaviour during the dinner at Peter's mansion.

I give her a small smile when she looks at me which she returns. I was longing for her 'Dimpled Smile' but I guess she showed it in some special occasions to make people agree to do things.

She blackmailed people with her smile, nice.

I liked the get together of the families and all but I couldn't wait to be with Levi and talk with her. She haven't spoken anything till now and the same was with Lee.

Lee seemed like a grumpy 15 year old teen. He reminded me of 'me' which I was, before I met Levi that is.

He looked the same like his father and like the woman in the picture.

Mrs. Anderson was beautiful with her blonde hair and young skin. She looked so much like Madonna if you ask me.

Soon the night comes to an end and I thank Mr. Anderson who had did everything in his will for building up the broke.

Well it was the main purpose of meeting them in the first place.

They were all nice and seemed like an happy type of family, except Lee of course.

That guy didn't even smile for once and instead of judging him, I did the opposite.

I tried to think why he is the way he is because once I was just like him and nobody knew why and people just walked around judging me.

I felt bad for the poor kid.

After laughing and enjoying ourselves at dinner, I couldn't help but think,

Why the hell Elene wanted a freakin revenge?


Yes, Levi is not the girl from the Hemilton parks mansion. ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺☺

Whoever thought she was, go ahead and raise your hands and roll your eyes after that.

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