Chapter 8

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Bolzerio & Levi were childhood friends, well atleast that's what they said. Levi' parents and Bolz's knew each other so this is how they met.

It was 11.58 pm when I realised that I haven't yet wished her happy birthday. I mean it's not like we were friends and all but I still think that I should just wish her.

Bolzerio and me were standing leaning on our bikes while Levi was facing us.

"Levi, you should hangout with us sometimes." Bolz says and I hated him for opening his big fat mouth.

As good as the night was, I still didn't want to spend my time with some girl. She was still annoying.

"Sure." Her face lit up excitedly and she looked at me, grinning ear to ear.

Ugh, I might just kill her.

I gave her my death glare but she stuck out her tongue at me and I rolled my eyes at her childishness.

"C'mon Levi, I'll drop you." Bolz says and sits on his bike.

Levi jumps excitedly clapping her hands and getting on his bike without hesitating a bit.

"See ya Chase." Bolz says saluting me and smirking in the process.

"Good bye Chase." Levi smiled.

"Happy birthday." I nod my head at her and say, instead of saying 'Goodbye' to her.

She bit her lips as she starred at me. Her eyes glinting and a small smile played on her lips.

Before she could open her mouth Bolz fades away with his Harley Davidson and I was the only one left out here.

I sighed and got onto the bike, accelerating through streets as I thought about the night.

It felt great to be free today. All laughs and fun but in the end when I reach my apartment, I realised that these things weren't for me. People will come in your life and they will go away leaving you heartbroken and I didn't have any time for these shit.

I jumped in my bed as soon as I reached my home. After sometime I got up and removed my leather jacket and shirt and shoes before jumping to the bed again and drifting off to sleep.....not.

I lit my cigarette as I gazed outside the window. The chilly wind made my hair blow and goosebumps covered my body because of coldness.

I blow the smoke into the air.

They say that 'Smoking Kills' maybe that's what I wanted? I shake my head and sighed. I should seriously get rid of cigarettes, it won't do me any good.

I gaze at the stars and then at moon. There was one moon and hundreds of stars, just like there is one man and thousands of feelings.

I rolled my eyes at the shitty comparison. Why was I even gazing at it? I'm probably wasting my time ofcourse.

I thought of completing my notes and do a little study but it all crashed when my mind drifted off to Levi.

Today was by far the good day and I wouldn't deny that I like her company. She wasn't so bad but I still didn't like her. Maybe if she didn't smile all the time I would've preferred, but her smile is what makes everything annoying and frustrating to the point where I want to rip my hair off.

"You're amazing."

Her words echoed in my head.

"He's better than you."

I don't know why she think of me so differently while others curse at me.

Maybe she understands what I'm going through? There are only few people who can understand people without them being in the situation. Maybe Levi was one of them.

LEGIT (Completed) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now