Chapter 2

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Drown - Bring Me The Horizon's Cover at the side. (Must listen)


It was 3 am on Monday morning when I wake up again, panting heavily.

I shut my eyes in frustration knowing I won't be getting any sleep after this. I roamed around in my apartment shirtless. I worked out for an hour to keep my mind off the nightmare. Was I ever going to get any sleep?

I shake my head at my fucked up life. I didn't even remember the last time I smiled. Somehow, my mind wandered to the green eyed girly, she grinned a lot. How can someone be so happy all the fucking time? It annoyed me knowing that I can't have a life like her. Right now, I'm sure she must be spending her father's money while I had to work my ass off in a Mechanical shop just to pay off my bills, fees and full my stomach. This life was much harder.

I know I was doing that thing called 'Judging' again but I just can't help it. I was jealous I admit and goddamn what the hell I was doing? Bad mouthing about the girl who smiles? Seriously, what's wrong with me. I should know better than to judge someone.

Yes, she smiles because she can. It was her fucking life for God's sake. I smacked my fist on the wall while trying to get rid of the thoughts.

Either I need a sleep or I need to get laid. I wasn't going to get the first one anytime soon, so the latter was in consideration.

I know it was a school night but I was least bothered about it, knowing I was going to get some. I went to the same bar as before where I yesterday met the green eyed girly. She was so an- okay, not again.

I take a sip from my drink and smirk at the girl who was right now sitting on my lap grinding her bottom on my stood up hard rock. What is her name again? She was talking about how much of a douche her ex was. Obviously, I didn't care.

"Babe, let's go somewhere more private." I whispered in her ear, she shivers. Good. We both get up from our seat and head towards the exit.

Fina-fuckin'-lly. I thought.


School was just as bad as last night. I thought she must be a good fuck but I swear she was horrible in bed. I regret it.

It was lunch time when I order my sandwich and a coke and went to sit on my table. Everybody making way for me.

I seat and start to munch on my lunch glaring at everyone who tries to even glance at me. But obviously they cared less, after all I was the centre of attention.

While looking around and glaring at everyone something caught my attention or rather someone. It was her.

The green eyed girl.

She was sitting at a table alone. I never really paid attention to anyone but now that I think about it , I wonder why she was sitting all by herself? Where were her friends? But first, what was her name? I keep on starring at the girl like a creep, who was writing something on her notepad again. I took my time to check her out. She was wearing a baggy shirt and ripped jeans. Her hair was tied in a pony tail and no hint of make up was to be seen. She was simple. I think I judged too soon. Biting my bottom lip I looked at her one more time, the smile was still on her face. What was she writing? I thought. But this time I didn't feel any anger. Maybe it was her attire.

I was still looking at her when suddenly she glances up from her notepad and meet my gaze but I didn't look away. I kept my intense gaze on her. First, she was surprised but then she grinned waving her hand at me, excitedly like she had won some medal. My lips twitched at the side watching her act like a small kid.

My hands itched to wave her back but I controlled myself and nod instead, not seeming rude.

I furrowed my eyes in confusion. Not seeming rude? Really? Since when did I start to care what people think of me?

Clenching my jaw hard I stood up and threw the plastic wrap in the trash bin and walked out, not even glancing back at her.

After school was finally over, I threw my bag on my shoulder and exit the school. When I reached outside, the very first thing I noticed was the green eyed girl talking to Albert, the jock. She was grinning. I furrowed my brows in confusion. Well that was new. No, not her grinning self but Albert talking to someone without bullying them.

I sigh and walked to my bike. It's not like I gave a shit about them. I roared my baby to life and turned to the streets racing myself off to 'Harley', the place where I worked.


"Hey man." Bolzerio greeted me with the usual man hug when I reach Harley.

Bolzerio was the son of the owner of this place and also my best and my only friend. He wasn't fucked up like me. He was rich as fuck but he didn't had the ego about it. He was 3 years older than me but we both were almost same when it came to Cigarettes and Alcohol. He was Spanish, hence the name.

"Keira is waiting for you." He smirked and I roll my eyes. That girl was so fuckin' clingy.

I went where I thought Keira would be and immediately see her standing by her pink car with her pink hair twirling with pink painted finger and blowing the pink bubblegum. Did I mention she wore a pink skirt and a top? Yes, every fucking thing about her was pink.

"What are you doin' here?" I said in my harsh voice.

"Now now Chase, is it the way to say hello to your favourite girl?" She comes near and stops when she is too close from my chest. I could almost see her cleavage which she intentionally pushed up. Her long tanned legs didn't have any effect on me anymore.

I check her out and instantly regret dating her few months back. Yes, she was beautiful when she didn't apply any make up. Everything about her was good back then. Now it's just....she isn't she anymore.

I remember when she was a freakin' nerd in her school and when I watched her high schoolers bullying her. That day, I helped her and from that day we were friends. She was cute back then, with her specs and jerseys but now it's like I don't even recognise the person standing in front of me. She was the perfect example of 'People change.'

"Don't you miss me Chase?" She says, running her fingers on my chest.

"Not at all Keira." I glare at her and push away her hands. She pouts at her failed attempt on seducing me. Bitch you thought.

"Look, I don't like you anymore okay. I don't like.....this." I say referring to her changed attire. Her eyes flashed hurt for a second but then she shakes her in disapproval before yelling, 'fuck you.' at my face and riding away in her pink car.

Well that went well, I thought.

LEGIT (Completed) #Wattys2016Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang