Morning, turtle doves!

Start from the beginning

"Yep. I could tell Chris was inspired by you by the sound of his music." Marilyn takes a sip of his water that was on the table, I felt so awkward and really wanted to leave suddenly. "It's what he tells me, I almost thought you two were one of those goth couples when you showed up backstage." I hated when people assumed stuff like that with Chris and I or anybody for that matter, I get all red, began to stutter, and got very nervous. "Haha, n-no. Not at all, I mean don't get me wrong he's a nice guy." I laugh nervously and start to brush my hair away from my face while fiddling with my hands. "Oh, Jesus, do you like Chris?" Devin chuckles, I shake my head rapidly. I really didn't, but something about people thinking about it got my heart pumping. "Vanessa..."

"I swear on the damn bible I have no feelings except friendship for Chris." I set my hand up like I was in a court room being in a trial for murder. Marilyn was being entertained by Devin and I's conversation, he had a amusing look to his face that gave it all away. "Just remember having a relationship with a band mate can end up with a lot of drama and chaos, trust me, I've tried. It's a risk you don't want to take." Marilyn warns as he types on the keyboard of the laptop. "Don't worry there will be no such thing happening."

"Ricky is a roadie, he counts. Anyone on tour is bound to be a crazy, dramatic war." I groan and plop down next to Devin, how did ypu explain something like this to a rockstar? "Devin—"
"Call me Ghost, everyone does."
I nod and take a breath for my own health in trying not to scream, it was so frustrating trying to explain it to a man. "Look, I have no feelings towards anyone on tour, not even Ricky, nor will I ever. I'll be okay." He just pops my head with a flick of his index finger while chuckling.

"Whatever you say, kiddo."

"Why does everyone here call me that? I'm not that young! Most of you are only a few years older than me except Marilyn!" I leave the two guys laughing at me after I had power walked out of that heavy situation, maybe the back of the bus was more my style then the front.
"Turn it off."



"No." Ricky was working up his attitude with the other men when I was trying to get them to turn the music off. All I wanted was to go to sleep, it had been a long day and I had to call my school earlier and argue why I wasn't going to be there for two months. We had come to a solution of online high school. Then, I had to go to my house and be sure that the roadies had everything I needed plus Ricky's clothes.

Now, he won't even just settle down and sleep. "It's almost four in the morning! You all have to perform!" That shut most of the boys up, especially Greg. We had been joined by Devin and Josh a few hours ago to where it only made the party wilder, this damn thing had gone on till now with me waking up every time they turned the volume up even louder, I could not go to sleep at all with the music and yelling.

"Please, just go to sleep." I was on the edge of crying my eyes out, when I was sleepy I would cry so bad kind of like a newborn and keep repeating that all I wanted to do was sleep. "Please?"
"Alright, guys, come on she's tired. Let her sleep." Chris mutters and has the everyone file out to their bunks that wasn't sleeping in the back of the bus. Chris climbs up to the top bunk above Ricky and I, I think he just realized how tired he rally was from all the drinks. "Lights are by you, Vanessa."

Chris tells me with a moan of fatigue. I flip the lights off while Ricky was in the bathroom changing out of his shirt and jeans. "Night, guys!" Greg yells at us all, several groggy goodnights echoed throughout the bus from once sleeping bandmates and the partiers as well. My eyes almost closed until Ricky's voice woke me with a loud bang and angry curses.

"Shït!" I just barely lift my head up to see a dark figure at the end of the bunk, rubbing his head. "You alright?" Ricky shakes his head and crawls over to me, forcing the blankets off so he could wriggle in between myself and the wall. "My head hurts a lot now." Ricky whimpers, my eyes finally adjust to where I could make out him rubbing his forehead. He looks so miserable and a little vulnerable, like when he was crowded by the boys when he was trying to learn the guitar in an hour. Like that dark puppy that had been hurt to many times emotionally and physically with big eyes.

It makes my heart ache a little at the sight, just the way he looks and frowns sadly at his head. I feel sympathy for him for once.
"Come here, Ricky." I whisper to him with my hands out, he leans over just enough for me to hold his jaw gently and his forehead before I stroke the area with my thumb. I turn myself over so I wasn't facing him while I thank God for the darkness so my blush wasn't visible. Ricky's weight finally drops onto the bunk, just like Chris I think he now realized that partying really wore the body out more than it needed to. I let him snuggle into my back so he was warm and comfortable, making me feel safe.

Eventually his breath hit my shoulder and it was even and slow, an occasional grunt came from him as he tried to push me off the bunk by getting so close. I couldn't sleep with him always trying to push me off like this. However, I keep my mouth shut though. I turn to face the terrorist of sleep and wrap my arms around his middle so he couldn't throw me off the bunk so easily, with an added bonus of having a moment where Ricky wasn't hostile to me and I could have the special way of getting the atmosphere of having a small relationship even thought there was none.

"Mmh." I feel him smile on my collarbone with a cute little noise when he forces his head under my chin as he puts his arms around me. I felt like we were to close and try to move away but his grip only tightens on me, like he didn't want me to leave. I admit my defeat after thirty minutes of struggle and let my head lay on his while thinking about the whole day.

Marilyn's words spring at me as I drift off to sleep from thinking of the final moments of my day:
Just remember, having a relationship with a band mate can end up with a lot of drama and chaos. It's a risk you don't want to take.
"Aw, this is cute...Should I get a picture? It's almost to good to pass up." I blink my eyes open to the bright light, I set myself up and felt a strong pair of arms keep me down. "Where–" I look at my chest to see Ricky huddling down to my stomach.
"Morning, turtle doves!" A cheerful voice squeaks at us, it could only belong to Gregory. I squirm from Ricky just barely to turn my head to see the melon head of them all. "What time is it?" Greg takes his android from his back pocket and checks the lock screen with a toothy grin. "Almost lunch time, we let you two sleep in since you both looked so tired."

Ricky stirs awake to Greg in a grumpy morning mood. Ricky just has a stare off with the rude awaker. "The tension is for real right now." Greg finally says, Ricky smiles until he lets his gaze drop. "Anyway, we are at the hotel the band will get a day off after the performance tonight but, after that we will be on our way to the next state. The boys need you for early practice in Chris's room, get dressed and meet me by the bus door." I groan and fall onto my pillow, Ricky didn't object to the idea of falling back asleep. He collapsed right next to me with his head back on my neck and his arm on my waist. "Now, I didn't want to get up either but you have a job!" I ignore Gregory and let my body relax with my exhales come more easily.

"You, girly, leave me no choice." A hand grabs my ankle and pulls me out from under the blankets and onto the floor. "Ah! Oww, my äss..." I toss a glare at Greg, he only shrugs with a stupid smirk. If he wasn't the person who put me on this tour I would have slapped that shït eating grin right off his face. I look at Ricky for backup but, he was looking down from the bunk like he was innocent in the whole act. He stuck his tongue out at me before turning back over to sleep yet again. I let my attention go to Greg instead of Ricky. He still was smirking and had his hands on his hips while he began to shake his head.

"Welcome to tour, sunshine."

...I tried to warn you like the ones before you, you know I won't let go...

[ Song: I'm No Good by New Years Day.
I tried, guys, I tried to make a cute scene. I failed, I'm not good with romance when it comes to adorable men 3: I noticed I have forgotten to put in the song credits for some odd reason. Hmm. Also Ima start giving credit to my editor because he deserves it a hella lot;

[Edited by: Edmond Renne Kane]

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