Goodnight Princess Sweet Dreams

Start from the beginning

I haven't eaten in a day I think. I walked downstairs and saw everyone in the living room. The living room had a big black sectional, and a black chair facing a big screen tv. Everyone was sitting and watching tv.

"Um excuse me?" All heads snapped to me.

"Yes, Ms. Parker?" Saizo replies.

"Can I use the kitchen to make something?" I asked. Hey this isn't my house, I rather ask for permission rather than getting into trouble.

"What would you like?" Sasuke asked.

"No it's alright, I can make it myself. Are any of you hungry?" I got a chorus of yeahs or shrugs. "How about I make dinner?"

"We can't ask you to do that, you're our guest." Saizo spoke.

"Please?" I ask. After a few moments of silence. Cooking dinner will help me clear my mind.

"Okay, only if you want to." Saizo replied. I walked out of the living room and into the kitchen. I looked through all the cupboards looking for the supplies I need. After forty-five minutes, I had spaghetti, garlic bread, and fresh salad all ready and placed at the dinner table. I set the plates out with glasses of water.

I think they sensed the food was done, because they all come filing into the dining room. Saizo sat down, Kortaro to his left, Goemon, Sasuke, then Heisuke. There was one chair left for me, between Saizo and Heisuke. I took my seat, as the others gathered food on their plates. After everyone got their food, I got mine and began to eat.

"Hmm, this is good. Thank you sweet cheeks." Goemon said.

"Yes, thank you Ms. Parker. The food is indeed good." Saizo commented, and Kortaro bowed his head in agreement. Sasuke was too busy to say anything, because he was shoveling food in his mouth. Heisuke kept his gaze down at the table.

"Thank you, I'm glad everyone is enjoying it." I replied. The rest of dinner was silent. After dinner, I took everyone's dishes and washed them. Even against Kortaro's protest. It's like they don't want me to do anything. What I don't understand is why?

After drying the last plate, I walked into the living room. The others were watching tv, until Sasuke spoke.

"Hey we should watch a movie, does anyone else?" Everyone was up for it, then Sasuke turned to me. "How about you Katie?" I thought for a moment.

"Sure, I'll be back in a moment." Sasuke nodded and went back to picking out a movie. As for me, I walked up the stairs to my new room. I walked over to my dresser and grabbed my pjs.  My pjs were a plain black long sleeve, plaid pants with the colors pink, purple, white, and black. I slipped on black fuzzy socks, brushed my teeth, and headed downstairs.

When I got downstairs, I saw everyone in the same spots when I left. Sasuke was lounging on the longer cushion of the sectional, with his back up against the couch and feet out in front of him. Kortaro was sitting at the other end of the sectional, Heisuke was a cushion or two away from Sasuke. Saizo was in the chair next to Kortaro, and Goemon got another chair next to Sasuke. I walked over and sat in the corner of the sectional between Kortaro and Heisuke.

"What movie are we watching?" I asked. I'm fine with any movie, other than horror movies.

"We're watching Jurassic World." Saizo answered my question. I nod my head, ok this movie isn't bad...just look away when a dinosaur eats or chases people. Goemon shut the lights off as the movie began. Halfway into the movie my eyes began to get heavy. I had my knees to my chest, arms crossed, and my head leaning to the left. Soon I was asleep.

~~~~(Heisuke's POV)~~~~
I would sneak glances at her every few minutes. I saw that her eyes were closing halfway through the movie. I felt someone nudge my arm, I looked to my right to see Sasuke looking past me. I followed his gaze to see Katie is fast asleep. Everyone looked at her, not paying attention to the movie.

After a few minutes, I got up and walked over to her. I put one arm under her legs and the other behind her back. Once she was in my arms, I carried her up to her room bridal style. Once in her room I walked over and gently placed her on her king sized bed. I pulled the covers over her, and starred at her sleeping form. Her long eyelashes laid perfectly on her soft angelic skin.

"I won't let Nobunaga or anyone hurt you. I will protect you even if it costs me my life." I won't let anyone hurt this beautiful person that lay before me. What is it about this girl, that I can't stop thinking about her. Whenever I'm around her or hear her speak, my heart pounds in my chest. I falling for this girl? Do I like her or love her? Does she like me the same way? Who am I kidding, a person like me can't love her. She is a princess, and I am nothing more than a warrior, ninja, and protector of queen Cornelia's daughter.

"Goodnight princess, sweet dreams." I whispered, I moved a strand of her chocolate like hair off her face. I placed a single butterfly kiss on her forehead. When I pulled away I saw a smile make its appearance on her face. I smiled to myself, then headed for the door shutting the lights off on my way out.
Thanks everyone, I hoped you enjoyed the chapter. The picture is of Katie's room.
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