Chapter 9

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So the truth about me finally came out, at first Drake would get up and leave a room as soon as I had entered it. It took a few days and an extremely intense convocation with Mom, who had had enough of our childish ways as she put it, but now he finally doesn’t leave the room. Unfortunately that does mean that he is talking to me, no matter how many times I tried to talk to him he would just send me a glare, shake his head and continue with what he was doing, like I wasn’t even there. Luckily for me in the last few days Drake and I have been able to say a few words to each other, they were mainly about how Raven was but that still counted.

I was currently lazing around the kitchen area, letting Drake spend some time with Raven. Mom was at the metal sink washing the dishes from lunch while I was lying on top of the counters with my hands covering my eyes from the sunlight that was shining through the windows by the sink.

“He will come around, Honey” Mom said coming over to me.

“How do you know?” I asked her.

“I know because I am a Mom and everyone knows that us Mom’s know everything there is to know about everything.” She teased.

“Whatever floats your boat Mom.” I replied rolling my eyes at her.

“Just give him time and you will see that the two of you will be inseparable, like you used to be” She bent down and kissed my forehead like she used to when Drake and I were smaller.

Mom hadn’t really changed that much since we were little, she still had long, light brown hair reaching her lower back. She stopped wearing earrings for quite a long time when we were younger, saying that Drake and I were always playing with them and pulling them out, but recently she had started wearing them again.

“Do you really think that?” I inquired sitting up so that she could sit down next to me.

“Yes, I do” She said sitting down, pulling me so that my head was resting on her lap.

“What about Raven?” I asked once she was finished.

“What about her?” She replied to my question with one of her own.

“Do you think that when she wakes up she will be mad at me for...well...tampering with her memories and lying to her.” I explained.

“Truthfully, if I was her I would be beyond mad at you but you did protect her-”

“How did I protect her? She got shot! ” I interrupted her.

“She may have been shot but if you hadn’t taught her how to get that drug out of her system she wouldn't have been alive long enough to have been shot. If it wasn’t for you then she would’ve died, you kept her alive. If she is mad at you when she wakes up then all you can do is give her time. Everything will work out in the end, just wait and see.”

“I'm Fate shouldn’t I know these things?” I cried out in frustration.

“Honey, there are something that Fate doesn’t even know. There are somethings in this world that are beyond your ability, you just have to let them play out on their own.”

“Do you promise that everything will be okay?”

“Honey, I can't make that kind of promise, there are too many ways that this can go.”

“Please, Mom, just promise me that it will!” I begged her.

“Okay, I promise that everything will turn out perfectly the end”

“Mom...” I groaned.

“That is the only promise that you are going to get out of me!” She laughed ruffling my hair.

“Mom!” I complained.

“Sorry” She laughed “old habits!”

“When do you think that Raven is going to wake up? And please don’t give me a speech about how all that she needs to wake up is time!” I said glaring at her when she burst out laughing.

“I really can't tell you a set time as to when she is going to wake up, I honestly don’t know!”

“Everyone says that” I muttered under my breath.

“Okay! Enough of this serious business! What do you want for supper?” She inquired, changing the subject.

“” I answer.

“Be more specific!” She ordered.

“Edible food” I teased. She opened her mouth to respond but before she could Drake came sprinting into the room, a huge smile spread across his face.

“You will never believe this but...Raven just woke up!” 

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