Chapter 2

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"Damn! That was a sick car" a voice said startling me awake.

I opened my eyes to see two people talking in hushed whispers by the door, both were men, one was blond while the other had curly brown hair that just reached his eyes and he also had a lip ring which gave him a badboy appearance. The blond one was tall with tribal tattoos going from the sleeve of his vest to his wrist. They both seemed extremely familiar but no matter how hard I tried I could not put a name to their faces.

"Tell me about it" I grumbled making the blond jump.

"Oh! You're awake!"  Came the surprised voice of the blond, his voice on the other hand was not familiar at all but that could just be because it changed.

"No shit Sherlock" I sarcastically said causing a smirk to appear on his face. Eventhough they were complete strangers to me something about them just made me feel really safe which was an unfamiliar feeling to me.

I took my time to take in my surroundings. I was in a small white room with faded blue curtains, it looked like it was dark outside but that could just be because of the tree line so close to the window, the window has dark wood blinds that came down to about halfway making it harder for me to figure out where I was. There is a leather couch in the corner of the room with a blanket thrown over it messily making me wonder if one of them slept there. I was lying in a king sized bed, that had a rusty coloured duvet cover on, both of the sides were unmade making it seem like two people shared the bed, I was hoping that I just moved around a lot in my sleep but usually I didn't so that had to mean that one of the two guys shared the bed with me. There was a T.V. on the wall above the couch, it was on but on mute so that I wouldn't wake up.

My mind then started to wonder to the car crash. I couldn't believe that someone pulled me out at last minute, why was everyone against me? I mean if I killed myself then my brother wouldn't have to put up with his parents murderer anymore and he could live a happy life, like he always wanted. My mate could then be with someone that he wanted and not some fat, useless waste of space like he said I was when he rejected me, just thinking about the rejecting brought tears to my eyes and making me squeeze my eyes shut to stop the tears that were threatening to spill. He can then find someone that could be a good Luna and help the pack not someone that would make it weak like I would even if I was a hybrid, white wolf I was still a weak, fatty, waste of space like everybody told me over and over again. At one point I knew that it wasn't true but over time all the beatings and name calling I started to believe what they said.

"Why the hell would you guys save me?" I screamed at them making the tears that were threatening to spill come cascading down my cheeks, wetting the sheets that were on my lap "I'm nobody, a failure, a murderer!"

"What do you mean?" The guys’ concerned voices asked me.

I put my head in my hands as my wolf started to panic when I picked up the blonds scent, vampire, but the other was a werewolf making me relax a tiny bit. My vampire side of me was jumping up in glee, wanting to take over, so that she could be with her own kind but she was still cautious. I knew that I hadn't been kidnapped but I still didn't know what they wanted with me.

I went completely still when I felt their arms surround me, I was so confused as to what was going on, nobody had ever tried to comfort me since my parents death. After a while I pulled myself together and stopped crying. Both sets of arms were removed but only to have the blond guy pick me up and put me in his lap, it was like he knew that I was still upset even though my face was completely blank and emotionless. I couldn't help but feel safe with them, it's not like they gave me any reason not to. Even my wolf wasn't complaining so I went along with it.

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