Chapter 8 (The Truth)

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“Well...” Aiden/Parker started before being cut off by Drake.

“Raven, you are back? Where were you?” Drake’s excited voice floated through the open car door. I was leaning up against the door behind me, before I had a chance to move it was flung open and I went tumbling straight into a breath-taking hug from Drake. Unfortunately as soon as I was moved out of the position that I was in and into his arms the searing pain from my injury came back almost immediately.

“I think that we should get her inside and into the infirmary before we talk.” Aiden/Parker informed Drake.

“Why the infirmary? What is wrong with her?” Drake’s concern was clearly evident in his voice.

“As soon as the pack doctor has taken a look at her I will explain everything to you. I have a feeling that she isn’t healing properly.”

“Yeah okay, let’s get her checked out and immediately after that you are going to explain everything, leaving nothing out and no lying!”

The pain was beginning to become too much to bear, just as black splotches were starting to full my vision I felt Drake’s arms tighten around me as he lifted me up to carry me into the infirmary.

*  *  *  *  *  *

“When is she going to wake up?” Aiden/Parker faintly asked. I tried to open my eyes but they felt like my eyelids were glued shut so all I could do was lie there unmoving and listen.

“Her body is completely healed but there is no knowing when she is going to wake up or if she is going to wake up. While she was captured her body was under a vast amount of stress with all of the drugs that were pumped into it, although all of the drugs seem to be out of her body now they have done a significant amount of damage to her system. Her wolf amazingly enough is actually in better condition than her actual body which is spectacular considering...” Someone began that was most likely the pack doctor.

“Considering?” Aiden/Parker asked the pack doctor.

“Considering her mate rejected her.” The pack doctor informed Aiden/Parker.

“Oh! I forgot about that.” Aiden/Parker muttered.

“On the bright side it turns out that her wolf has actually moved on and found someone else that she considers her new mate.” The pack doctors said sounding astonished.

“How do you know?” Aiden/Parker questioned.

“Her scent has changed, you wouldn't have noticed the change because it is only a slight change. As you already know since your brother is a werewolf that every female has a distinctive scent that allows males to know whether they are mated or not but there is a scent between the two that allows us to figure out if say her mate has died or left her. Usually after a female’s mate has rejected her that particular female would lose the ability to access her wolf, without her wolf being used it would slowly start to die off and the human side soon follows.”

“Do you think her mate knew what would happen when he rejected her?” Aiden/Parker inquired. I felt someone grab my hand in theirs, holding it in a vice like grip.

“Yes, I believe that he did unless he was a rogue, he would’ve been taught about mates from a young age by his parents.”  The hand that was holding mine gave a gentle squeeze and I couldn't help but think that its owner was waiting for a response. Everything that was inside of me wanted to respond but I couldn't no matter how hard I tried. I just couldn't.

“So basically her mate didn't care whether she lived or died.” Aiden/Parker stated.

“Unfortunately it does appear that way.” I heard footsteps leading away from me, I could tell since they started to get fainter.

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