(Part 2)

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I honestly have no clue as to how many long painful hours it took me to get all of the stuff out of my system. When Aiden said that it would be painful, I thought that he was exaggerating. Luckily for me ‘the master’ and his minions didn’t realize what I was doing but even if they had there wouldn’t be a way for them to stop me. When I finally got it all out of me I had to fake being sick so that none of them would notice and try a different substance.

 “Is she dead yet?” The Master asked as he walked into the cage room.

“No, sir” His latest guard answered. So far everyday without fail since the first one who lasted about two days, I have gotten someone new to watch over me. To be one hundred percent truthful I may or may not have been provoking them since ‘the master’ caught the first one about to punch me again and the next day the guards changed.

“Give it until the end of the week if nothing changes then swap drugs” he said turning around and leaving the room, locking us inside.

“I am not like the other guards, if I hit you The Master would never know.” The guard growled as he opened the cage and walked up to me.

“Do you really believe that?” I raised an eyebrow at him.

“Yes, since your face is really bruised up he won’t notice them getting darker” he sneered “now why don’t we test this theory of mine out?” he asked even though if I was to decline the offer he would do it anyway. I opened my mouth to reply anyway but was cut off by his fist coming in contact with my face. After about the third punch I blacked out.


Once again I was falling through the sky even though I knew that I would land safely I was still screaming my head off. I thought that I would be caught by Aiden who I hoped was waiting on the ground to say that it was a shock to have him catch me in a tackle while I was still at least five or six metres off the ground was an understatement, at least he gave me a reason to scream. When we landed we were in the same fields that we were last time I came here. When we landed he kept in his arms so that we didn’t have a repeat of last time.

“Those look painful” Aiden said with his concern evident in his voice. He lightly pressed on my cheekbone which causing me to wince and him to growl under his breath.

“It's not that bad.” I lied.

“You’re horrible at lying. At least I'm going to help you escape tonight.”

“How are you going to help me escape? Aren’t you stuck up here?” he walked over to a shady place under the trees that were at the edge of the field and sat down with me on his lap. I tried to get off of him but he just tightened his arms around me. I gave him a confused look and he just shrugged his shoulders.

“No, I'm not stuck up here, I just choose to be up here more often than not. This is how the plan goes, I am going to be your new guard because the other one got caught. I’ll bring you a change of clothes so that no one will know right away who you are. If there are any problems that come up, I’ll take care of it. Tonight I’ll tell you the plan again just in case.”

“What happens if we get split up?”

“Mind-link me.”

“But how, you aren’t in my pack” Aiden was making no sense at all.

“Do you trust me?”

“Yes” I answered without hesitation earning myself a heart-stopping grin.

“Then there is your answer, as long as you trust me then nothing will go wrong, I promise.”

*  *  *  *  *  *

We’re currently lying right next to each other on the ground staring up at the clouds in the sky. About an hour after we talked a few stray clouds started to roll in.

“I think that one looks like a turnip.” I point at the cloud that I am referring to.

“A turnip?” he chuckles “that a bear.” I roll over so that I am on my elbows my head above his.

“I think that you need to get your eyes tested because that is clearly not a bear!”

“No, you need to get your eyes tested!” He rolled us over so that I was underneath him with him straddling my thighs. “That is clearly a bear!” he stares at me for a few minutes before grabbing both of my arms in his hand and with the other he starts to tickle my sides.

“NO! Please. Stop.” I scream between my laughing and gasps of air.

“Not until you say that it's a bear!”


“Are you sure about that?” he asks now ticking me with both of his arms.

“FINE! Fine! You win it's a bear!” I should’ve known that he would not have stopped tickling me even though I had agreed to the cloud looking like a bear “Please stop!”

“Fine! I’ll stop if you say that I am the greatest person that you have ever met.”

“You are the greatest person that I have ever met” I said sarcastically.


*  *  *  *  *  *

“Please don’t provoke this one, I'm running out of guards” The Master pointed at me then looked at Aiden “Don’t hurt her in anyway, you might be the cause of her death and not the drugs then when we attack the wolves they will not die because of the drugs and the vampires will get slaughtered.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Make sure her cage stays locked at all times, if she escapes I will have your head.” Aiden nodded and The Master left tossing the keys to Aiden on his way out.

Once he left the room Aiden went over the escape plan with me once more. We still had to wait until everyone has gone home for the night.

“Try and get some sleep before we leave this place we have about four hours.” Aiden tells me check his watch. I roll over and try to get some sleep but no matter how hard I tried I just couldn’t fall asleep. After a while Aiden comes and lies down next to me, as soon as my head hits his chest I fall fast asleep.

The Other Side of NowhereМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя