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Oh god I'm so sorry I've lost track of time I can't believe it's been MONTHS since I updated this! I hope you still want me to continue this story :( 

Uh, please vote and comment? I'm sooo bad but your votes and comments mean a lot to me. Plus, I'm quite sure you'll really like this chapter ;)


Going back to real world after spending the night with Ashton was difficult, but I was happy that I didn't lose him with my rashness. He'd been so good to me, showing me, without intending to, that the idea of not having him around as mine is difficult. Also, that night was full of sexual tension, I was surprised I didn't end up jumping him. He was shirtless and so fucking hot and having his t-shirt over my body wasn't helping either.

The next weekend rolled around and I still haven't exactly fixed my friendship with Bella. I hadn't seen her much during the week after the last time I saw her, and I've tried reaching her, but she didn't answer. I didn't know if she was overreacting about what happened, or if she'd just forgotten me all together. 

I was dreading time, because it passed so fast and Ashton's departure was so close it squeezed my heart. How could survive a few months without him? It seemed awful. 

The buzzing of my phone startled me, and I smiled quite sadly when I saw it was him. 

"Hey, you," I was blushing, although he couldn't see it. "Where are you?" I meant it as anything to start a conversation, but the answer was surprising. 

"I'm on my way." He stated, making me sit up in surprise. 

"Are you serious?" I spluttered, but inside? I was fucking giddy! Oh god, but someone could recognize him. Hell, someone is going to recognize him. 

"Yeah, I am," He chuckled, making my stomach tighten nervously. "Is that okay?" 

Yes, I screamed inside my head. "Yeah, it's okay." I murmured, trying not to jump around. My heart was beating a little fast. 

"I'll see you in a bit, then," His voice was soft, laced with a smile. I said goodbye and squealed when he hung up, feeling both ridiculous and happy. 

Ashton's departure was so close, so maybe I should make the best of whatever time I had left. 


I couldn't believe that I'd actually done it. I hoped he'd like what he was about to see. My cheeks were red with embarrassment, but I was also so excited to just... Be with him. I had little time with him, and I'd had enough of waiting. 

I was startled when I heard the door, my heartbeat spiking up immediately. On shaky legs, I made my way to the door, fighting off a smile. 

"Hey," I couldn't help it; I smiled shyly. 

He was amused. "Hi, Lizzie." My heart momentarily stopped. Still standing at my door, he titled his head down to kiss me, lips soft and sure against mine. Dear god, I was going to melt. 


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