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Wow you guys are amazing! Thank you for your votes and comments. It brightens up my day 💋

Here's another chapter and aw I wish I were in her place bc ugh Lizzie is so lucky like srsly 👀


I protested when I realized that he was pulling me toward the private section in the club, but he just held my wrist a little firmly.

"No," I grumbled halfheartedly, because let's be honest: who doesn't want to see the band closely? But my stomach was fluttering and I was nervous.

New to Australia? Welcome to the land of wonders, where you get to meet your favorite band without effort. All because of a pervert member coincidentally being trapped with you in the same place for five minutes, and finds the whole thing thrilling...and amusing.

The private section was amazing, and far better than the entire club outside. Lights were dimmer and there was a wide bar with two bartenders and guards were scattered around the area.

My cheeks grew redder and butterflies erupted in my stomach in nervousness as we neared them. They were laughing and talking about something, and I went all gooey when Luke's lip ring twinkled a bit in the lights.

Holy hell. How can I survive this night?

Before Ashton says anything, Luke chuckles and looks at me, and I try not to melt. "And here she is. The one that turned Ash to a complete pussy."

I flinch and look away, horrified and amused because good god if someone has ever told me this would happen, I'd laugh my ass off. It's quite surreal, that I'm standing in front of my favorite band and currently one of them is holding my hand.

"Watch the language, you twat," Ashton groans and pulls me to sit down next to him, his thigh touching my bare one. "You're giving a bad impression."

I'm going to cry.

"Um, it's fine." I mumble and smile faintly, my cheeks burning.

"Here," Michael bends a little and hands me a small tumbler. "Drink this; you're a nerve-wreck." I flush but take the shot, grateful for it. I need to get a little drunk because frankly I'm ruining my night with my attitude. I was a tad drunk earlier, but everything that happened afterwards sobered me up pretty good. I suspect they don't need me to introduce myself because it seems Ashton did it before I came.

I swallow the shot and ignore the burning in my throat, fearing that if I so as much as open my mouth I'm going to cough like shit. When the burn settles I reach for another and note that Calum is the only one who hasn't uttered a word since I arrived. I wasn't sure if it was a bad sign.

Bravely-or stupidly-I leaned over and stared directly at Calum, ignoring the way I felt like my heart was about to burst through my chest. He looked at me in confusion and I waved my hand dumbly, smiling what I hoped to be a cute smile. He stared at me for a moment, before his lips curled in a smile and it was adorable.

At least I wasn't the reason of his surly attitude. But it still made me uncomfortable that he was.

After two more shots, the haze grows and my limps relax as the alcohol seeps through my veins. It kind of feels funny, and at the same time it feels good. The guys are laughing and Ashton tries to engage me in the conversation but it's like I'm in my own bubble.

Apparently, he got tired of sitting down and pulls me up to the practically empty dance floor and this time I think I'm more fluid and at ease than before.

"Calum doesn't seem as excited to see me as the others." I mumble and Ashton looks at me funnily before laughing.

"Don't worry," he whispers in my ear. "He's just trying to make sure I'm not messing with your head. You just give that impression of naivety and innocence and he thinks it's a bit of a game to me."

"Are you? Is it?" I ask, biting my lower lip nervously.

"No, I'm not messing with your head, and it's not a game." He smiled. "I promise."

And then I just smiled and we swayed slowly to the song.


It was midnight when I was absolutely drunk and delighted, bolder than I was when I first arrived to the club. Songs alternated from sweet and slow to heavy and sexy, and my body just flowed with the rhythm and at some point I know I was grinding against him but alcohol made me careless about it.

And it wasn't like he was embarrassed or anything. He was actually driving me crazy as well. His hands were either squeezing my hips or running up and down my sides. My skin was alive with anticipation but I wasn't bold enough to do anything.

"I should get home," I mumbled when we sat down and my head was practically fallen over his shoulder.

"How are you going to ride back?" he asks and Luke snickers.

"She's going to ride in a cab, Ashton." Luke says and in my unfocused vision I think he rolls his eyes.

"Let's go," Ashton says and I bite my lip to stifle the sound of protest. I'm very much convenient.

When we leave the private section, the music is louder and makes my head thumb annoyingly. I spot Bella and she rushes over with a worried expression on her face. She seems pretty sober.

"Where have you been? I was so worried about-" she stops talking when she takes a good look at him and then her eyes widen. "Holy shit how did you-?"

And I laugh because I don't even know how myself. Australia proved to be my favorite place in the world. I'd have never had a chance like this if I stayed in the USA, so I don't think I ever want to go back.

"Hi I'm Bella." She pushes her hand out and he shakes her hand, his smile charming.

"Nice to meet you." He nods and then his hand goes back around my waist, and it feels so normal, as if he's not someone you only dream about but can never get. And it's still so strange to be so familiar with him.

It feels like a fairy tale, but sadly, I don't think there's a happy ending.

"I can drive her home," Bella insists and it occurs to me that I've missed a conversation when I've been mourning over my life. "I'm sober and I know where she lives. Thanks for the offer."

His hand leaves my waist and my skin tingles in longing as Bella takes my hand and we leave the club. I look back and wave, meeting his amused smile and even though I probably imagined it...but I swore, there was sadness behind his eyes.

Bella's driving was slow and the radio was playing some sad song that was so annoying after a night like this. A feeling of longing rises beneath my skin, the feeling you get when you step out of a concert and now you're wishing it'd have never ended.

Or the feeling of owning something but realizing it's not yours.

Bella speaks once or twice, mumbling comments. If I hadn't been so...melancholic and drunk and sleepy, I'd have answered back. She seems to understand this and the car falls silent again except for the sad song playing. Bella mutters and shuts the radio off, and the quietness is both welcomed and dreaded.

I hand her the keys when we arrive to the building and she opens the door, supporting me with one arm despite the fact that my feet are working anyway. It reminds me of the time I took her home when she was drunk-shit-faced more accurately. I am drunk, but not enough to wobble, and certainly enough to feel funny.

I kick my heels en route to the bedroom and throw myself on the bed, not bothering with the dress. It's tight around my body so I unzip it clumsily and bury my face in the pillows. Bella says something, but I don't focus. I feel the blankets over my now bare back and I turn my head to the side to see her putting pills on the bedside table and a glass of water.

I smile, and sleep pulls me under.


I feel for the girl tbh. I'd hate my life if I got few hours with Ashton and nothing else. Writing this story drives me crazy!

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