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Oh my god the beginning of this chapter makes me hate my life royally.

Please vote and comment and let me know what you think? Thank you so far for everything you guys are rocking my world!

And wow...two updates in row? I'm awesome, huh? lol just ignore me I'm a little high on Ashton's gif 😂😍


I was pacing in my room like a caged animal, biting my nails and staring at my phone thrown on the bed. I had come home in a daze, like every day in my life so far in Australia. It was difficult to focus on anything when I had a number of a guy I never even dared dream of him looking at me.

I looked at my phone again and sighed, shaking my head.

I wasn't going to call Ashton.

I was not going to call Ashton.

Goddamn it, I wasn't going to call him!

I picked up the phone and nearly laughed at myself. I was so going to call him. Hell, how many times in life would I be able to call him?

God I was going to hurt myself and I knew it, but I couldn't help it.

It rang only two times before he picked up, and his voice through the phone was even more breath-taking than ever. "I see you finally stopped thinking." He laughed a little and I smiled, unable to stop myself.

"You only live once," I shrugged, even though he couldn't see me. "I'm allowed to be stupid at least few times."

He gasped before I registered what I had said. "Stupid? God, could you wound me any further?"

I couldn't help scoffing. "Wound you? Please, I know you're enjoying this."

"Well damn right I am. You have a beautiful voice." I blushed and fuck I felt even more helpless.

There was yelling and then muffled noises, one I clearly recognized as being laughter. Then his sexy voice washed over me and I swore it wasn't fair. "Sorry, the guys are giving me shit."

"Because you're talking to me?" I tried to keep the hurt out of my voice.

"Yeah," he chuckles, unaware of my embarrassment. "I've never done something like this before, so they're being asswipes."

I flinched at his words and he noticed, muttering an apology. I lied on the bed and curled a little, wanting him to say anything because his voice was so addicting.

"Elizabeth?" I smiled at the way he said my name and hummed, not bothering with a coherent reply. "Nothing, just wanted to make sure you're still on the line."

I was filled with disappointment, and wasn't sure what I expected really. It's not like he'd say I've been thinking about you nonstop or that he even thought of me at all.

"I gotta go," I winced a little. "I have to make dinner and...stuff."

"Running again?" he chuckled and sighed. "Tell me where you live."

"What? No." I answered without thinking and nearly screamed.

He laughed. "Just making sure how far I can go."

"Yeah, I'll go now." I whispered with a smile. "Bye."

He chuckled and said nothing, and then the line was dead.

Holy shit. I hoped it wasn't a dream because I've never been so high. I was ridiculously giddy it was disgusting actually. I put the phone on the bedside table and my stomach made noises, which I assured me I couldn't go further without eating.

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