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Please vote and comment and let me know whatcha think? Thank you for 1.3k omfg is this real???

And can we please appreciate the adorableness of Ashton Irwin bc holy fuck my heart flipped 😍

Dedicated to @daddy_irwin bc one of my best readers tbh and her lashton story is basically my best obsession (you should check both books out)

Also, massive thanks to the wonderful Lucy @WhatTheLouis for the loads of votes and comments each and every chapter. The word love doesn't even cover what I feel ❤

And ofc thanks to everyone who votes and comments. You guys are bloody amazing and I hope you get your own Ashton Irwin one day bc you're the best.

And now to the chapter



Longing, sadness and intense headache were the first things I woke to. I scrambled to get the pills and swallowed them instantly, burying my face in the pillow. I felt like shit. And the emotional distress inside me wasn't helpful, either. Things got even worse when I registered with absolute frustration that I had gotten my period, and my sheets...didn't quite survive it.

Fucking great.

I got up and snatched the sheets, taking them to the bathroom and then shutting the door, sighing and taking care of myself and then washing my face, noticing how yellow it was.

The sheets were thrown and I still had to eat something before I passed out. I wasn't so strong and my body was at its weakest during my period. I went to the kitchen and was startled to see Bella in one of shorts and a yellow shirt.

"Uh, you're here?" I smelled the pancakes and my mouth watered, watching as she smiled and nodded her head.

"Yup. Couldn't leave you to face your first hangover alone." She threw me a sweet smile and flipped pancakes in the pan, until there were at least five of them in each dish.

I practically looked ready to devour these pancakes and she laughed at my eagerness, adding some fresh strawberries. Once she put them in front of me, I had them finished in ten minutes. Bella didn't even blink when I handed her an empty dish.

"More?" she asked and I shook my head, simply because the cramps made my appetite lessen.

She shrugged and turned off the stove, sitting down with me and eating her breakfast. I grimaced when my stomach tightened painfully. Cramps were fucking bitches. Bella shot me a look, but smiled and resumed her eating.

The silence was killing me. While I was grateful for it, I couldn't help but replay last night events over and over in my head. I was seeing everything vividly, and wishing there were some more details and more moments with him. My wildest thought was me wishing I had kissed him, but drunk or not, I wasn't that brave.

When my cramps got worse, I decided to get a painkiller before the pain killed me. I swallowed the pills hastily and braced myself against the counter, breathing deeply. A hand was placed on my shoulder and I tensed reflexively before my shoulders sagged in relief.

"What's wrong, Liz?" I heard the genuine concern in her voice, and it made my eyes water. Or maybe it was the emotional disorder I got with my period. I just tend to get too sensitive.

But I was well aware it wasn't an emotional disorder when I found myself babbling through tears about how I can't stop thinking about Ashton Irwin.

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