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Hi guys! :)

I assume by now that everyone knows what happened in our world after that one devastating news about Zayn leaving one direction. I haven't stopped crying and mourning yet but I thought I should say something about it. Maybe ranting would be so helpful to overcome it...though I highly doubt it.

I've never been a talker really. I usually just mourn in silence and try to overcome my sadness without bothering anyone, but this is a matter that touches every single member of this family. Our family. God knows I've never witnessed anything darker and more painful than this.

The thing is, no one else besides us understands it. Personally, my parents say it's just a band and it's how music industry goes and blah blah blah but they've never wondered about why this band made me so happy and why my happiness can't be retrieved anymore. It's like I lost a dear person and I don't know what to do about it(I've never had to get over someone before) I can't hear a song of theirs and not cry and feel helpless. It might seem a little too much for someone but they are my life literally. I may not love them as you'd love someone for the rest of your life but my love for them is something absolutely beyond everything else.

I'm not a zayn girl(I'm more of a harry girl) but that doesn't mean that I'm lying about feeling so sad about it. One Direction aren't going to be the same without him and we all know it. It's just undeniable. I guess all we can do know is support the boys and show them that with our love all of us can overcome this. We've lost a dear person and they've lost a long time friend and member of the band. Of course they're going to see him, but it's never going to be the same. Take Harry's breakdown on the stage for an example, he had lost the presence of such a dear friend...what would you do if you were in his place? I'd cry harder, actually.

You may not realize it but the boys need us more than before, despite them trying to seem normal about it. They're being strong for us, and so we should.

I could go on for ever but I just need to reach my point: Life isn't all black, no matter what it seems. Of course this is a disaster, but after a hurricane comes a rainbow. The sun always shines the next day and the smile will find its way to you no matter what. Who knows? We could have Zayn back before this tour is over. Nothing is impossible if you just keep fighting. We're feeling down maybe, but no one stays on the ground for long.

We have to be here for each other. Don't think you're the only one sad or angry about this. Try to comfort someone, and see how lighter you feel after it. Comfort yourself too, don't let yourself down no matter what. I'm here for anyone and I don't want anything in return; I just want to be here for my family.

Last thing: I'll keep writing bc it's the only way I can escape this. My stories won't be deleted or paused, and I'll write until the last word in it.

I'll just keep hoping that this is just a rock in a road and we'll all get over it. Zayn will be back and I can't wait for the day they get back together like it was before.

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