Snape turned to McGonagall. “Her legs are broken. The pain is probably what caused her to pass out after the adrenaline wore off.” McGonagall nodded, and then turned to us.

                “What were you all doing here? Trying to get yourselves killed!?!” She said, rage in her eyes.

                There goes any chance of getting points for Ron defeating it.

                “Professor we-“ I began.

                Hermione spoke up. “It was my fault professor. I got upset, and Eli came into here to comfort me. Then the troll came in here, and I slipped and drew its attention to us. When she tried to get it to stop, it swung at her and caught her in the legs.”

                Just then Madam Pomfrey burst into the room, with a floating stretcher. She levitated Eli up and set her on the stretcher. I turned to follow, but McGonagall stopped me. “What were you and Mr. Weasley doing in here?”

                “Ron and I heard a scream and had overheard that Hermione was in the bathroom, so we ran to help. When we got in here, the troll kept trying to attack Eli, so Ron used Wingardium Leviosa and lifted the club in the and hitting the troll with it!” I replied, still trying to follow my sister out.

                McGonagall slightly relaxed after hearing this. “Very well then, I shall award Mr. Weasley 10 points for helping them. Now all of you head up to your beds. Mr. Potter, you may follow your sister into the infirmary.” I nodded and ran off, catching up to Madam Pomfrey.

Eli’s POV:

                I woke up, slowly letting my eyes get used to the bright light. I looked over and saw Harry, slumped over his chair, asleep. I smiled, noticing how tired he looked.

                Madam Pomfrey hurried over when she noticed I was awake. I smiled at her, and she looked shocked.  “I didn’t expect you to be up this soon. I thought you would sleep through the rest of the day.”

                “How long have I been asleep?” I asked her.

                “Only for the night. You had McGonagall quiet scared when you passed out.” Knowing my next question , she answered, “Both of your legs were broken, and you had a small concussion.”

                I sighed. No wonder my head throbbed a little.

                She smiled at me. “Your legs are already healed, and your concussion should be gone by tonight.”

                I quickly bolted up, causing my vision to blur slightly. “Will I be able to play in the Quidditch match tomorrow against Slytherin?”

                She smiled at me again. “Yes you should. I would take it easy up until then. In fact, you could probably leave and head up to your common room to rest.”

                At that moment Madam Pomfrey was shoved aside by two tall red heads.

                “Hey Eli!” They said simultaneously.

                “Hey Gred, hey Forge.” I said, trying to look totally serious.

                They looked concerned for a moment, but when I couldn’t hold it in anymore and burst out laughing, they caught on and laughed with me, waking Harry up.

                Harry looked up groggily. “Hey baby bro, long night.”

                He looked up at me and gave me a big, almost childlike, smile as he ran up and gave me a big hug. “You okay sis?”

                “Perfectly fine. I’m even going to be able to play against Slytherin on Saturday!”

                “Well that’s great news!” A voice said from behind the twins. Oliver walked up, holding a plate full of toast and sausage, my favorites.

                “What, afraid of losing your best Chaser?” I asked him jokingly.

                “You know it!” He said, handing the plate to me. 

                I quickly scarfed down the food, realizing I hadn’t eaten since lunch yesterday, having missed the Halloween Feast. When I was done, I turned to the twins. “Be sure to thank your brother for me. He saved mine and Hermione’s butts. “

                “We’ll be sure to pass the message on. Well we’ve got to head to class, or Snape’ll kill us. “ I waved as they hurried off.

                Madam Pomfrey walked up to me with a pair of crutches. “Your left leg hasn’t healed as well as I would have liked, so I’m going to put it into a lightweight cast and take it off tomorrow before the match. Use these crutches for now.” I nodded as she quickly wrapped up my leg.

                I looked at Harry and Oliver. “Do you guys wanna help me up to the common room?” I asked.

                They both grinned and nodded. They helped me to my feet and up to the common room. I laid down on the couch and fell asleep while Oliver covered me up with a blanket.


Quidditch next!!! I want 19 or 20 votes before I post again, and this time I will try to upload right when I hit that many. If I could get 10-15 comments that would rock too! Give me your ideas about what should happen next! If I like your idea enough I will dedicate the chapter to you!

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