Chapter 28

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Ashia's POV:

I was getting sick and tired of this shit. It felt like I couldn't be my own damn woman because I have two nigga's trying to control me.

But that was the last straw. Don't get me wrong now, I was scared as hell right about now but I was done with being that little girl that everyone thought they could run over.

"Look Lesane, I do love you but I guess I've realized that were just not meant to be. You should be with someone that actually deserves someone like you, and obviously I'm not that person; this is where I want to be.... Believe it or not, I love Pierre. Call me crazy but its true", I said as I walked closer to him but as soon as I reached out for him he backed away.

I could tell that I had hurt him and deep down inside I wanted so bad to fix things with him but thats just not where I want to be.

"Don't fucking touch me", he said looking at me with disgust in his eyes, "you know what Ashia? I'm done! I have never met in my entire life such a ungrateful bitch like you.. Do you know the shit I've been through and some shit I had to sacrifice just to protect your ass? Huh? Or are you to far up this nigga's ass to see it?"

Deep down inside I knew he was right. I know that he had to sacrifice a lot of shit to be with a girl like me but hey, why be with someone that doesn't even show you that they really want to be with you?

"I'm not up his fucking ass! I'm just done with putting up with your bullshit. I tried to make it work, I really did but you didn't give a damn! Maybe you should be with a grimy bitch like Kiara. Someone that could really put up with your shit day in and day out!", I snapped

He stared at me for a long time time before smirking and said, " You know something? Maybe your right. I should be with a bitch like Kiara, you know why? Because she's a real women who knows how to handle a real man. I thought you had a grown into a women but the truth is your still that scared, pathetic little girl that I met at the convenient store! Grow up! Be a women about your shit! You really think that this nigga is going to treat you better then I did? Do you really think he is going to go through all the shit I went through to protect you?"

"Ye-" , I said before getting completely quiet. Was I doing the right thing? Would Pierre be there for me when I really needed him?

"I see you have nothing to say now do you? But its all good though, because you better believe. What goes around comes back around", he said as he walked off

Every part of me wanted to stop him and beg for him to forgive me but my body was so in shock that I couldn't move a muscle. He was right. Pierre could never compare to a man like him, but yet here I am taking his side like a complete dumb ass.

It really hit me that he was really gone when I saw him drive off. He hated me. and in no way, shape, or form do I blame him. I was ungrateful and selfish, and I surely didn't deserve someone like him.

I felt a cold chill course through my body as I stood there. The smell of expensive cologne made way to my nostrils, I knew it was Pierre. His hands caressed my back ever so gently. I wanted to cry so bad but I wanted to show them that I was a women and not that scared little girl that I used to be.

"You did the right thing Ashia. You know daddy missed you, right?" He whispered into my ear as his tongue flickered up and down my earlobe.

I wanted the feeling of disgust to come into course but I knew I missed this feeling. I missed him. Feeling this way felt so wrong, because I knew I had hurt someone so wonderful in the process.

I turned to face him and smiled when I saw those eyes. He licked his lips and bent down to kiss me, I hurriedly moved in to meet his lips. Damn, I missed these lips.

I know that what I did was wrong but damn it felt so right.


Mesha's POV:

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The only word that came to my mind was "Betrayal". He played me, he actually played me.

I was so stupid to even think that he would even really want to be with someone like me. This explains why he was so dominant in trying to get Ashia back.

I stood there and stared at them as they kissed so passionately. This was sick, how could she run from someone for so long but then act like being without them was the worst thing that ever happened to her? She was beyond a screwed chick.

But honestly, who was I to judge? I was in love with a man that beat constantly each and every day. Thats why I did the things that I did.

I tried to pry my eyes away from their locked lips and prevailing tongues but my soul just wouldn't let me. My heart just wouldn't let me. Even my mind told me no, keep looking. Maybe you'll find deception in this ever so long kiss, but no. Not one ounce of deception. Just pure lust.

A single tear rolled down my cheek. I knew better then to act a fool and pull them apart, because if I did then he would definitely beat me down to dust.

I didn't even notice they had stopped until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I quickly turned around and there stood Chardonney.

She looked just as hurt as I did. Maybe because she once felt the pain that I was feeling now. Or maybe she just felt sorry for someone as stupid as me.

"Mesha! Girl, I missed you!" I heard Ashia say from behind me. I didn't even want her to see me like this, I was not going to let this bitch have the satisfaction of knowing she took something that was so precious to me.

I didn't even turn around as I grabbed Chardonney's hand and walked up the stairs. I turned around and glared at her, the look of confusion ran along her face but that didn't faze me at all.

Lesane had a point though. What goes around comes back around, and karma was surely enough a bitch.

And you better believe that bitch's name was Mesha Rochelle Jackson.


Hi you guys, guess what? I GOT A JOB!! Lol thats whats been taking me so long to update and I'm sincerely sorry about that. But please don't forget to VOTE & COMMENT GIVING ME FEEDBACK ON THIS CHAPTER. I love you all & thank you so much for all the support. You guys are beyond wonderful!! Lls 😘😍❤

- Tecia <3

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