Chapter 22

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Ashia's POV:

"Lesane, what did he say?" I asked as I walked closer to him, by the look on his face I can that he was pissed off.

As soon as I got closer to him, he turned around and threw the phone at the wall.

I screamed as the phone shattered and fell to the ground, "what the fuck is wrong with you?" I said staring into his bewildered eyes. 

"How the fuck did he get your number?" he said as he jerked me up by my arm, "huh? did you give it to him Ashia? Huh? you want to be with him?"

"Get off me!" I screamed trying to pry his hands off of me, but the more I struggled the tighter he held me. 

"I didn't give him my number", I said now crying, "I don't know how he got it"

I guess he realized that I was being honest so he let go of my arm. I didn't know what had got into him but it seemed like something had entered him that just made him want to hurt me all of a sudden. 

"I'm sorry"

I was so in shock that I didn't even notice him walk by and go out the door. I didn't know where he was going and right now by what just happened, I didn't even give a damn. 


Pierre's POV:

"Hey daddy, your back early", Honey said to as she shut the door to the car. I didn't even bother responding to her as I went inside the house. I had so much running through my mind that I couldn't even think straight. I wanted so bad to just go over to Pac's house and snatch Ashia's ass up myself but I knew that I had be patient.

"Chardonney", I said as I sat  down on the couch, "Chardonney!"

"Yes Pierre", she said as she walked down the steps. I'm not even gone lie, Chardonney was a bad bitch but she had nothing on Ashia. The only reason I even made her my main was becuase she was beyond loyal and you could never go wrong with a loyal bitch.

"Where is Mesha?'

"She's upstairs getting ready for her shift at the club, why?" Swear I hated when she did that shit, thats one thing I can't stand. A nosy ass bitch, I laughed to myself because she knows she's lucky that she's my main or else I would of been slapped her ass for questioning me.

"Mesha!" I yelled ignoring Chardonney's question. She looked at me and smiled, she knew exactly what was on my mind so there was no need for words. 

"Yes daddy", Mesha said running over to me. Now thats something that I loved, Fear, I thrived off of it every day and night. Just looking into Mesha's eyes I knew she was afraid of me but I also knew that she still loved me deep down inside, so I knew that she would do anything that I told her to. Now thats what you call "Power"

"Have you heard from Ashia?"

She looked down at her feet before replying "No sir". I stared at her, trying to see whether she was being honest with me or not and by the look in her eyes you could tell that she was telling the truth.

I chuckled and said "Yeah I know, just wanted to see if you would be honest to your daddy", I got up from the couch and walked over to her, "I need you to do something for me"

I grabbed her by her waist and held up her chin, "would you do anything for daddy?", she nodded her head yes speechless in words. I smiled and stared into her eyes.

"Chardonney", I said as I stilled held on to Mesha,"Leave, Mesha and I have some things to discuss"

"What the fuck you mean leave? why can't I hear what you have to say to her?", she said as she rolled her eyes and gave a Mesha an evil glare.

"Bitch don't keep fucking questioning me! When I say do something then you do it! Now get the hell out!" I said pissed off as hell,

She looked at me liked she wanted to say something but decided against because she knew that was the best thing to do. I looked back at Mesha not even giving Chardonney a second glance, I heard the door shut so I stared back into her eyes. Trying my best to hypnotize her with lust.

"Now I need you to do something for me"

"O-O-Ok", by her stuterring I could already tell that I had her full attention. 

"Now listen closely but what I'm about to say will be hard to do since your so close to this person, but like you said you would do anything for me right?"


I licked my lips and grinned, " I need you to bring Ashia back to me, I know your probably asking yourself why would I want her back if she really wasn't making me any money but lets just say she's valuable-"

"But how am I suppose to get her back? I don't even know where she is" she said interrupting me

"Don't ask questions", I said as I leaned into her face a little more, "Just do what I say and everything will go just as planned, Alright?"

She nodded her head yes and stared back into my eyes. I laughed a little inside because I knew I had her right where I wanted her. I mean I could of easily just beat her ass and forced her to do it but I knew that wouldn't get me no where. 

Making her fall in love with me and having her feel like I loved and cared for her would make the plan go beyond successful. You see, love is a powerful drug. Besides money, love is one of the most powerful mind controls that a person could have on someone; and with love this plan will never go wrong.

"You love me?" I said as I nibbled on her ear

"Yes daddy" , she moaned into my ear. I picked her up and layed her on the couch, Now its time to seal the deal with love making.


Hi yall, just felt like updating since today is Thursday so I hoped you liked it, I know its not much but at least yall know whats going on so far. Don't forget to READ, VOTE, AND COMMENT!! Love you all and thank you !!

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