Chapter 26

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Ashia POV:

Walking up these steps got my mind going in all different directions. Was I really ready to take him back or was this just another episode of mine? I wasn't sure but I knew for a fact that I did love him though.

He may be a pimp but hey he was my pimp. See the thing with me is I was tired of being sweet and innocent Ashia. The Ashia that everyone felt they could run over. The Ashia that everyone tried to put down, control, and destroy.

I prayed last night, while I was all alone in that big empty apartment. I prayed that god would give me confidence and bravery because this step I was about to take just might put my life in a dangerous position.

I believe he answered my prayers. As soon as I woke up this morning, I felt this new found feeling of courage.

I knocked on the door and waited patiently, I was determined not to coward out. No matter what he did to me or what he said I was going to be a woman about this all the way through.

"Who is it?" I heard someone ask. It sounded like Ebony so almost instantaneously a smile crept to my face.

"Its Ashia"

As soon as I said my name the door swung open. I was surprised but yet thrilled at the same time, maybe this wasn't going to be so bad after all.

"Bitch! Where the fuck have you been?" She said as she shut the door just as fast as she opened it, or maybe I was wrong, "do you not know how pissed Pierre is? He is going to kill you!"

"No his not, I have my reasons for leaving but don't worry I can handle this"

She gave me a skeptical look and nodded her head okay, "you sure? Because I got some where else you can go; you don't have to do this"

"Ebony", I said as I looked in her eyes to reassure her, "I'll be fine"

She smirked and said okay.

"But before you go in I think there's some shit you need to know", she said as she motioned for me to come to the back of the house.

I couldn't believe that with as long as I use to live here I still didn't know what the back yard looked like. Guess Pierre had me so busy working the pole that I never got the chance to.

She sat down on the ground, took out a fresh pack of cigarettes, and lit the first one in the pack. I sat down beside her but tried my best not to inhale the scent. Thats one thing I have never liked or would never do, cigarettes were just not for me.

"So whats going on?"

"Mesha is whats going on", she said as she looked me dead in the eyes

"What you mean? Whats wrong with her? Is she okay?"

"Girl stop worrying! Ain't nothing wrong with her, shit far from that"

"Well stop stalling Ebony and tell me!"

She put the cigarette out and threw it in the overused bucket across from the table. I wonder if she was the one who smoked all those cigarettes contained in the bucket?

"I don't know how and I posolutely don't know when but some way some how Mesha has become the main bitch, and I don't mean just any kind of bitch but the HBIC. Her and Pierre are like some power couple or some shit. Its like whatever Mesha says goes. Point, blank, period! I mean daddy's still puts her in her place every now and then when it comes down to his business but as far as us...." She said shaking her head, "its like that bitch owns us. She's done a whole 360 on our ass's and changed for the ultimate worse"

I couldn't believe my ears, how could Mesha do such a thing? My Mesha was really acting like this?

"Wait, Wait, Wait... So what happened to Chardonney?"

As soon as her name rolled off my tongue, Ebony began to laugh uncontrollably "Chardonney? Girl that bitch is just like one of us now, she done joined the madam's. Not because she wanted to but because Mesha made that ass do it; she ain't so high and mighty no more, that little tiara she once held is all the way gone!"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, had Mesha really gotten that bad? I mean I know she used to get pushed around and thrown like a rag doll but this was just utterly ridiculous. But we were girls right? Bestfriends? She wouldn't do me like that, right?

"But my shift is starting soon and it is a absolute must that I be on time tonight at the club or my ass will definitely be getting beat", she said as she hurried and got up and began to walk to the front.

I got up and followed behind her. All kind of thoughts were running through my head but I was determined not coward this one out. I've been through to much to just let this go.

Before I could walk into the door I heard someone behind me, I automatically knew who it was just by hearing the voice.

"Ashia! What the fuck do you think your doing?"


Lesane's POV:

Tired couldn't even express my feelings towards this girl right about now. I was sick and tired of saving her ass because she was to hard headed to listen to anything I said. When would she realize that I only did the things I did to protect her?

I know I said I was done with dealing with her and her stubborn ways but deep down inside I knew that I couldn't just let her walk out of my life like that. I cared to much about her, why? I don't even know

"Ashia! What the fuck do you think your doing?" I said as I slammed my car door and began to walk to her.

She should have known that I was going to come after her once I saw the letter she left at my apartment. If she wanted to be sneaky about this then she should of did a better job.

"Lesane what are you doing here?"

"The fuck you mean what am I doing here? I came to get you, now come on", I grabbed her by her arm and made sure that I held a tight grip so that she wouldn't slip away.

"Let me go!" She screamed as she tried to pry my fingers off her arm one-by-one

"Hey let her go! She said she doesn't want to go so leave her alone!" This light skin chick yelled at me running down the steps as her heels clicked and clacked against the pavement.

"This ain't got shit to do with you, so I would advise you to go on back in your whore house and suck some before you get hurt", I said coldly so that she knew I was serious. There was no way in hell I was going to let Ashia go back into that house and I didn't mind hurting a few bitch's to prove that.

She saw I meant every word that came out my mouth and backed away. I wasn't trying to scare the girl but whats mine is mine.

"Lesane let me go! You can't make me go with you! You didn't care about me while I was there but all of a sudden you care?", she said as tears ran down her cheeks.

I knew I hurt her but I didn't think it would effect her this bad. I immediately felt bad and no words could expresss how much I wanted to say sorry and actually mean it, but I wasn't sorry because I really meant it when I said I would do anything to protect her. Even if that meant hurting her in the process.

I heard some one clap and almost simultaneously, me and Ashia's head shot into that direction.

"So heart warming, really makes me want to cry", he said giving us that evil grin


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