Chapter 10

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Kiara's POV:

I laughed as Lesane walked out the door. He really thought that I was just going to be sitting in this house alone and I won't go through his things, maybe he really doesn't know me as much as he think he does.

Don't get me wrong now, I love Lesane and trust him with everything in me but you can never be to careful. Especially if your man is a drug lord.

I got up from the couch and began to walk to Lesane's room. I opened the door and what I saw almost brung tears to my eyes.

This explained everything. Why he wouldn't answer his phone last night. I knew something was up the minute I called and it went straight to voicemail because Lesane always answers my phone calls no matter the time or situation, but yet I was so stupid to believe that maybe just maybe he had went to sleep early this time.

How could he cheat on me? I know we're not a official couple or anything but I gave him my all. My heart, my soul, and my devotion. Hell, If you really look at it I even gave this nigga my life and this is the thanks I get?

I hurriedly wiped away my tears once I heard the front door being slammed. That had to be Lesane coming back for something, usually I would hurry up and leave the room but this time I couldn't even find it in me to move. It felt like my whole body had went numb with pain.

So I sat there staring at the naked girl thats laying in my mans bed. Wondering what did she have that I didn't...

"Wtf Kiara! I thought I told yo ass not to be snooping around my room", Lesane said as he came closer to me. I didn't even notice that he had walked in.

"Why the fuck is she laying in your bed naked ?", I said nearly above a whisper

"You wouldn't even have known that she was here if you didn't try to come back here and be nosy", he said with so much disgust in his voice.

"What the fuck you mean being nosy? Nigga your my man so I have a fucking right to snoop around your room if I damn well please"

He then looked at me and started laughing, "I'm your man? When did this happen? You think just because I fuck you real good every now and then and let you come chill with me that I'm automatically your man?"

As soon as those words came out of his mouth, it seemed like the world stopped. Like everything I ever cared for shattered into pieces and before I knew it my hand met Lesane's face.

I was done and fed up with him and his bullshit. No longer would I play the fool to someone who didn't even give a damn about me.

I began to walk out the door but was held back by Lesane. He pulled me close to him and held me. Thats when the tears really started to flow.

"You know I care about you right?", I nodded my head yes and laid my head in the crook of neck as the tears ran down my face.

"So why you worried about a irrelevant bitch? How long me and you known each other? 10 years right? So shouldn't that let you know something , that maybe I do love you and I ain't stunting these other hoes. Just because I fucked the girl doesn't mean I feel any different about you. So stop crying", he said wiping away my tears. Just hearing him tell that he loved me made me feel better.

He was right though, we have known each other for a long time now and no bitch could come in between the bond that we shared. No matter how hard she tried. Not even this hoe that laid in his bed.

"I know boo"

"Mhm, well go get your stuff. We gone ahead to the trap house first then I'ma take you to your favorite spot", he said smiling as he kissed my forehead.

"Alright boo and please get rid of her before I do", I said as I gave him a kiss and walked out the room. Now that I know that he truly loves me, Lesane will forever be mine.


Lesane's POV:

"Alright boo and please get rid of her before I do", Kiara said as she gave me a kiss and walked out the room.

I really fucked up this time. Not only did Kiara catch Ashia in my bed but I accidentally told her I love her too.

I mean I do love her but not in that way. I know that she took the "deadly 3 words" in the wrong way. She will forever be my homie but I just can't make her wifey. She's just clingy for all of that.

Not only did I fuck up my chance of being with Ashia but I got to get rid of her before Kiara does some serious damage towards her. Kiara may be sweet looking and innocent on the outside but on the inside she's just another cold-hearted bitch.

I've seen her do some crazy shit to her past ex's girlfriends just for the hell of it so I ain't trying to let that happen to Ashia. Believe it or not, she already meant so much to me that i felt like I had to protect her.

I mean I could easily handle Kiara my damn self but hey, she's been here for me through thick and thin so I can't let a loyal chick like her get away for nobody. Not even Ashia.

So I decided to write a letter instead. Making up lies that I know that I didn't mean but had to say for her to stay away for good.

I walked out the door and taped the letter to the refrigerator.

"You ready?", I said to Kiara as she nodded her head yes and we walked out the door.


Hey you guys, I just want to thank you all for reading my book. You just don't know how much that really means to me. I love you all & please VOTE AND COMMENT.! this chapter wasn't nothing major , just wanted to let you guys know what really happened and that Lesane's not really a bad guy. Lol his just stuck in a rock and a hard place ;)


Q1: Do you think Lesane should of did what he did?

Q2: Do you like Kiara or Ashia?

Q3: Should Lesane choose Kiara or Ashia to be with in the end?

Q4: Do you think Kiara is as loyal as she seems?

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