Chapter 13

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Lesane's POV:

"You okay baby", Kiara said as she massaged my back with oil

I wanted so bad to say hell no but I knew that if I did then she would snap on my ass. I was already missing Ashia more then ever.I wanted her to come back so bad but with Kiara here I knew that was a no go.

"Yeah I'm straight", I said I turned over on my back so that we would be face to face. I knew that she could tell when I was lying or not, so I really don't know why I even turned around.

"Why you lying to me? I can see it all over your face that you have some shit on your mind. Is it about that chick that was here earlier?", she said as she stared into my eyes. I guess she was trying to find the truth for herself within my eyes

"I said I'm straight Kiara, stop bugging me damn"

"Well excuse me then, I was just trying to check up on you and you want to get a attitude with me? I'll just leave then!" She said as she got up and started to put her clothes back on

"Where the fuck you going?"

"Some place where I'm actually wanted and appreciated", she said as she walked out the room. I put on my boxers and followed behind. I know that Ashia was on my mind and every thing but that still didn't give me a reason to treat her like shit.

"Key wait"

"You know what Pac," she said turning towards me; I knew that she was mad because she only calls me Pac when I make her mad, "just remember who has been down for you for the last ten years, with that being said I hope you make the right decision"

She walked out the door and here I am alone.

"Fuck", I said under my breath. She was right but at the same time my heart and mind was pulling me into a different direction, and it surely wasn't Kiara's direction.

I had to get away from all this drama for a while so I decided to go to the strip club that I owned and clear my mind.

Shit was getting to stressful....


Hi you guys, I know its short but hey just felt like updating a little something, something. Should I so Lesane, Ashia, Kiara, or Mesha's POV next .. Let me know ASAP . So pleaseeee VOTE & COMMENT ! Love you all and Thanks :)

-Tecia <3

Q#1: Who should Lesane choose?

Q#2: Do you think Lesane was wrong for the way he treated Kiara?

Q#3: What do you think or should happen next?

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