Chapter 19

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Lesane's POV:

I heard a knock on my door but I really didn't feel like putting up with Kiara's bullshit tonight

I started to take off my clothes to get in the shower until I heard footsteps behind me

I turned around and there stood Ashia. She looked more beautiful then ever, besides the fact that she barely had on any clothes. I tried my best not to stare in aw at her body because I was still pissed off with her

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were naked. I'll just wait until your done", she said as she quickly walked towards the door

"Naw, come back here. I need to talk to you anyways... Don't act like you've never seen me naked before"

She then turned around and started to fidget with her fingers. I noticed that she does that a lot when she's nervous

"Don't be scared now.... Come sit down next to me", I said as I sat down on the bed. She walked towards me and did the same

"How you know Pierre?"

"Uh, from a friend of mine. She introduced us when I moved out of my mama's place... I didn't have no where else to go so-"

"Wait, so you telling me you been staying with that nigga?"

She looked down and said " yes, only because I didn't have anywhere else to go Lesane"

I was beyond furious. I mean really how stupid could she be, what women in there damn right mind would want to live with a pimp unless.... I tried not to let that thought come to my mind

"You been tricking?"

Thats the only thing that was on my mind. I knew for sure that if the answer was yes then I'm definitely going to kill Pierre's ass.

"No, No! I would never do that!"

"Then why in the hell you staying with him then? It ain't no way in hell that your staying with him and he doesn't have you working one of his fucked up corners!"

"Wow really? You must not know me as much as you think you do if you even believe that I would do such a thing!"

"Maybe I don't because I sure as hell didn't think you would be sliding down no damn pole either", I said with so much acid that it scared my damn self

I knew what I said hit a spot for her then. She just stared at me in disbelief of my words and said nothing. I didn't mean to intentionally hurt her feelings but hey I'm nothing but real.

"You know what Lesane? Fuck you," she said as tears ran down her cheeks, "you wouldn't even began to imagine the hell that I've been through these past few months! I was homeless! I had no where else to go, I most definitely wasn't going back home to a family that is to blind to even see that my own uncle sexually abused me!'

That shocked the hell out of me, she was raped?

"And I sure as hell couldn 't come to the man that I thought actually cared about me.. You know why? Because he left me a fucking note saying "thanks for a good time hoe, your services are no longer needed" but yet you stand here and judge me?"


"You know what save it! I don't even want to here your excuses. I'm tired of all the I'm sorry's and please forgive me, because at the end of the day all it is is bullshit! Now you sit down and analyze yourself Mr. I'm Perfect before you sit here and judge me and my doings, because you don't know the shit I've been through", she as she walked out the room

Damn, I really just fucked up...

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