Chapter 4

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I know the stories going kind of slow but just keep reading and i promise you it will get interesting :)

- Tecia

Its been a month since I was at the hospital. I haven't spoken to my mother ever since our encounter. I mean I'm happy she's finally home and every thing but I just couldn't get over the fact that my dad was gone. He was like the backbone of this family, and now that his gone how will we function?. How will we make ends meet? Who's going to provide for us?

Thinking about all of this got me stressed beyond compare. I could tell that it was effecting me in a major way. In my grades, in my sleep, hell even in my relationship with mom.

I had to get my mind together so I decided to call my cousin Patrice. Even though she got on my nerves, she always knew what to do to make me happy.


"Hey girl, I was calling to see if you could hit up Tay and ask him if he could get us a freebie in the club tonight. So much had been going on and I need a stress reliever"

"Girl you know I gotchu, I'll be by later on to pick you up" she said before she hung up. I hoped and prayed that tonight would make me forget about everything.

*********** Later that night **************

Walking into the club I saw a lot of familiar faces. It was real hard to get through the crowd so we decided to sit at a near by table.

"Im glad we decided to come out here tonight, shit everybody and they mama in this bitch tonight", Patrice said as she sipped on her drink

"Yeah", I simply said. I wasn't trying to be a party pooper or anything but today just wasn't my day

"Girl why you acting like that? You really messing up my buzz! Shit i'll be back", she said as she went out on the dance floor and started dancing with some random guy.

Thats one thing I hated about her, she had so much confidence and braveness about herself; and here I am looking like a complete lame.

I didn't want to look like a loner so i bobbed my head to the music. I was starting to enjoy myself until I saw what I saw.

In the V.I.P section there he was. Looking as fine as he could be, words couldn't explain how bad I wanted to go over and talk to him. So I decided tonight would be the night that all my shyness went into the trash.I got up and walked slowly to his section.

"Hey Lesane", I said hoping to god that he remembered me. He looked at me and motioned for me to come inside. I did as I was told.

I kind of figured that the girl beside him was his girl because as soon as I came over she gave me the meanest look that anyone could ever give. If looks could kill I would most definitely be dead right about now.

"How old are you", he said

"Um, why"

"Because you look to young to be in a club, you got a fake id or something?", he said with a serious face

"For your information, I'm 17 about to be 18 next month so you can miss me with all of that. Thank you very much", I said with much attitude. Staring at me he smiled and chuckled

"Yeah I see you have a smart ass mouth, but I can fix that", he said simply before turning to the girl beside him. I couldn't hear what he was saying to her over all of the music but I saw him hand something to her.

Before she got up, he kissed her with so much passion that it angered me. I don't know if he was doing this to make jealous but if he was it sure was working. She then got up slowly, smirking at me and twisting her body so that her ass jiggled in the hooker dress she had on.

I acted like what she was doing didn't effect me at all. My mama always taught me to never let a bitch see you down, or they would take that as their opportunity to mess with your mind.

When she finally left Lesane turned back to me and said " by the way I'm 22".

I was to pissed off to reply to him. At this point I honestly didn't have shit to say to him so I got up to leave but he grabbed me by my arm.

"Sit down", he commanded. I don't know who this nigga think he is but no one tell me what to do.

"Umm, I'ma need you not to grab me like that ever again", I said snatching my arm away from him, "first of all you don't tell me what to do, my own damn mama don't even tell me what to do. Secondly what you need me for? Call that hoe back over here and talk to her!"

I don't why I was going off on him the way that I was but I was definitely in my feelings right now.

Lesane got up and grabbed my waist, he then put me in close. So close that I could hear him breathing over all of the loud music, "listen ma, I'm not one of these lil bitch made ass niggas you be fuckin with so you might wanna lower your tone and come correct when you talking to me. You not my girl anyways so why the fuck you trippin? As far as I see it, I can have as many hoes over here as I want but yet I got yo young ass over here. Be happy and get the fuck over it"

He said it so calm that it scared me. I didn't know wether to walk away or kiss the shit out of him for being so real with me. He was right though, I wasn't his girl so I really didn't have a reason to be mad. Hell I hardly even know him but here I am snapping and going off on him.

"Yeah, your right"

"I know, so are you done with all that attitude". I nodded my head yes and smiled at him.

"Come with me", I didn't know were he was taking me but at this point I really didn't give a damn as long as I'm with him.

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