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I'm waken up by a chorus of screams coming into our room and I groan. I open my eyes and see the girls hovering over our bed with party supplies. I raise an eyebrow at them.

"Hi?" They all start saying things about the baby shower and I give them a look. "When Lo and I are actually up you guys can sworn us with all of this, kay?" they all nod and walk downstairs. Lauren emerges from the blankets and gives me a pointed look.

"I'm not going down there. " She snuggled more into the blankets and I groaned. I got out the bed and waddled to the closet. "Fine by me. When our little one arrives I can just say to it the story of how its own mama didn't bother going to its own baby shower." She gives me a glare before finally getting up. I cheer in victory before hunching over at the babies kicking. Lauren crouched to my overgrown tummy and gave it a pointed look "Listen here little one, it's your day today so please don't be a pain in our asses today." I giggle at her weirdness and widen my eyes. "Do you think I can figure out the baby's gender?" I ask while I grab a comfy outfit. Lauren follows my actions and shrugs. "Maybe. We have to much to do today, though."

Once we walk down the staircase, we see the girls putting more decorations up. "The couple has arrived!" I give a slight curtsy and sit on the couch. Dinah comes and sits next to me and I lay my head on her. "Can we get an elevator? The stairs and baby jauregui don't agree with each other," Dinah laughs at me and shakes her head. "I wish, but you can relax while we get everything ready." She got up and my head fell to the couch. I give a tiny groan and sit up. I try to get comfy but the door rings and everyone ask me to open it. Lauren although, Coles by my side. It was Josh. Lauren growls while trying I back me away from him. "Aren't you a greedy one, Jauregui." Lauren goes to attack him but he quickly grasps me in a chokehold. I try to use my powers but the baby's been taking to much energy. "Adios!" We disappear in a blur and all I can do is cry.

Third person

Lauren falls to her knees and the girls come rushing in. They all try to ask what happens but all Lauren can do is sob. Her eyes turn a violent red and she growls. "I'm going to kill him."

Josh throws Y/n into a cage and laughs at her face. "No one is going to find you. You and your daughter are all mine." Y/n's sobs stop when he said daughter. Her eyes turn a violent blue and she screams like a banshee.


LONG TIME NO SEE BBYS. I missed this story tbh. Do you guys have any suggestions for 1. Baby names and 2, a new title. I don't think desire fits well for this story. I think maybe a couple more chapters until this story is done. A sequel might be in your future.

Laurensdragonflyx 😜

Desire • Lauren Jauregui auWhere stories live. Discover now