Chapter 2

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"My house is not the state of amazing but my room as I would say is fabulous." I told Camila pulling into my driveway. Suddenly she started squealing. "What?" "We're neighbors!" She exclaimed pointing to the largest house on the block which happens to be right by my house. "Wow you live there?!" "Yea you could say I have a big family."

"Mom I'm home!" I said as me and Camila walked in. "Hi honey how wa- oh! You brought a friend over!" She exclaimed. " Yea and we're just going to hang in my room." I said before she could say anything else and pulled Camila upstairs.

"Wow I love your room." Camila said as we entered I thanked her telling her she could set her backpack any where. "Do you want to watch Netflix?" I asked once we got comfy and pulled my laptop up. "Sure" we watched The Walking Dead and we both agreed that Daryl is bae. We also watched Once upon a time,specifically season three so we can see Peter Pan, and The Vampire Diaries, which we both agreed that we need our own Damon Salvatore. (A/n I love all of those shows) "Truth or Dare?" Camila randomly asked. "Dare?" "We are going to play Five Nights At Freddys." She said simply. I asked her what that was and she explained it to me.

"Close the door foxy- Camila was cut off by the sound of foxy screeching. Damn! We were on night four! "Let's order pizza." I said. She nodded. "Hey if you want you can spend the night." She seemed to brighten up after that. "Yay! Just let me go get my clothes." I nodded seeing the petite girl walking away next door.

When Camila returned she had a bag of clothes,candy,popcorn,and a couple of movies. we were both in our pjs about to watch a movie when there was a knock on my door and ryan cam in ''Hey your pizza's here wait whoa why do you have a hot girl in your room?'' He questioned sending Camila a wink i rolled my eyes and got up took my pizza from him and shoved him out the door making sure to lock it. That night we watched all the movies ate all the pizza and candy and we fell sound asleep. Im glad i started school on a friday.

The next morning Camila and i decieded we should go out to breakfast so we went to dennys. Let me tell you somthing DONT GO ON THE WEEKND. It was early and we were hungry so we went but oh boy was that a bad idea everyone was on a food rampage and there were theese guys who kept looking at us and two came over and asked me and Mila out we looked at each other laughing our asses off. Well the only thing that matterd then was those guys leaving which they did so.

We got home and got dressed and watched a few more movies untiil it was probaly eight and Milla had to leave. Atleast she's my neighbour i thought as we gave each other final hugs. After Camila left i relized i never explored the beach.................................or the woods.''Im going for a walk mom!'' i yelled as i put on a jacket and beanie grabbing my boots and phone at the process. The only reason i only talk to my mom is because my dad is a drunkie and is always out at night hooking up with chicks. We all know and Ryan and I always talk about what our life would be without him. It would be way better than it is now i can tell you that. Mom is the only one who wont let go. She thinks he's a loyal guy and would never cheat on her. '' Lily its to late and dark for that! You know i dont like you out late-;'' i cut my mother's ranting off by walking out. She treats me like im eleven. I turn eighteen on Halloween. Its okay to have your birthday on a holiday but its also annoying. Some years i'll celebrate with Halloween other times i just celebrate a day early or a day late. Once outside i let the fresh air consume me and god does it feel so good!

Once at the beach i let the salty water smell fill my nose. After spending a few mintues walking on the beach i got closer to the woods letting my curiosity take over. Curiosity killed the cat the voice in the back of my head spoke. Igonoring that i walked into the woods suddenly getting the chills. I heard ruffling and some wolf howls way closer than before, I tuned on my heal trying to exit the woods when i tripped on a tree root. At least thats what i thought it was. I looked a saw something fury and it looked paw like. I slowly got up and backed up afraid to what creature was in front of me. I wanted to scream at what i saw but held it in for the sake of my life. Infront of me was a huge mouth foaming, sharp clawed and sharp teethed wolf. The wolf took small steps towards me when another wolf came out of no where and pounced it. The wolf that pounced took no time to claw the other wolf to shreads. After that i nearly fainted. In the shreaded wolfs place was a dirty limp man who looke no older than twenty five. The wolf who saved my life looked at my and its eyes seemed to soften. The wolf went behind a tree and i thought it was gone so i slowly walked away trying to find my way out of this place when i mouth was pressed to my ear. I stopped afraid to move ''Finally i've found my mate.'' a heavenly voice spoke behind me and the sent from that goddess filled my nose. I turned around and my eyes met with theese dazzling green eyes. '' your w-w-what?'' i asked the beauty in front of me. Ignoring my question the goddess leaned in and pressed her lips to mine. I didn't bother to pull away instead i kissed back. It just felt so right. After what felt like years the goddess pulled away. she grinned at me ''Come with me and i can explain everything to you and dont worry i live right next to you.'' she stated simply pulling me along with her out of the woods and leading me to the big house next door which is also Mila's house. Not trusting my voice i just followed the goddess dazed.

Lauren's POV

Camila was right this browned hair beauty is my mate. Her and I both are lucky i was in the woods when rouge attacked or else i would have made his death more painful and i wouldnt have my beautiful mate. Anyome who stands in the way of my life with her will pay and i mean it.

A/n Hello! I UPDATED! How did you like this chapter? They finally met! Since its the weeknd i will try to update alot i promise! Peace out!

Desire • Lauren Jauregui auWhere stories live. Discover now