Chapter 5

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It's the next day and Mila and I are just eating before we head out. "None of the girls are going to be surprise teachers right?" I asked taking a sip of Oj. "Whatever Lo didn't want us to tell you or all of us would be sent to the dun- I mean basement." She quickly said looking around. "Oh! Look at the time we should go wouldn't want Lo suspecting anything!" She said pulling me up and pushing me outside.

"Today we will be drawing what you normally do for Easter and then when we come back from Easter we will draw again and see if anything new happens for you!" Lauren said fixing her leather pencil skirt. "Oh and Lily you will be staying in for lunch." She smirked.

Soon it was lunch and I said bye to Mila. "Hey Lo wassup?" I said walking into the classroom not finding her anywhere. Suddenly the door was slammed and a hand was over my eyes and the other hand gripping my ass. "You should really knock first kitten." Lo said her breath fanning my neck. Soon she took no time to suck NOT. Leaving a mark but satisfying both of us then quickly setting a passionate kiss on my lips sucking my bottom lip.

I detached our lips grasping for air. "Lo I know you didn't just call me here to make out. " I said panting. "Your correct but that still doesn't mean I didn't want to do it." She smirked and sat in her big leather chair. "Sit." She demanded patting her lap. I gave her a look. "Now kitten I don't like waiting." She growled. Fuck. I quickly sat in her lap waiting not wanting a demanding Lo. "That's better. Anyways the real reason your here is that you don't know a lot about me. Most not important but one is that I am soon to be Alpha of the Black moon pack. Assuming you don't know what Alpha is I will tell you my soon to be role and how you have a part in it. An Alpha is the leader of the pack who should be loved but none the less feared by the pack and rules with its Luna. A Luna you may ask is the Alpha's mate which is you. In order for my Alpha process to begin you have to meet my parents. More specifically my dad, the current Alpha. So after school I'm taking you to the pack house understand?" She asked a smirk playing on her lips with a stern look in her eyes. I nodded quickly. "Words kitten." She growled. "Yes Lo- I mean Lauren!" I squealed. "Good baby girl now get off my lap and get to class." As she said that she pulled me up and pulled me into a kiss.

She slided her tounge across my lips asking for permission. Wanting to be a tease I didn't open. Bad idea. She slapped my ass harshly growling into the kiss. I quickly opened my mouth and as soon as her tounge was in my mouth I moaned. She decided to tease me and pulled away using her hand to wipe her red lipstick off my lips. She pushed me outside the door smirking at me. "Bye now darling." She winked.

I'm now at home and relieved no one's home. My phone buzzed playing "Sober" by Childish Gambino. I looked at it realizing I had a text from Lo.

"Hey baby I'm outside leave a note for your parents." - Lauren The Fucking Goddess 👅💦👅💦

I left a note and quickly locked the door running to Lo's car. "Took you long enough Princess." She said quickly driving away.

Soon enough we made it to the woods or should I say beach making our way to to the border of the woods. "Stop right there baby I'm gonna shift so it won't take so long. " "Lo! You can get caught. "Baby no one's here." She smirked before concentrating. Soon enough she started shaking roughly fur growing places before letting out a big growl teeth showing and before I knew it Infront of me was a wolf Lauren. I took in her wolfs features. She had raven black fur and her eyes instead of green were a glowing yellow. I snapped out of it when she started growling. I hurriedly hopped on her back and she took off. Fast. Before I could realize it we were Infront of a house so huge I'm surprised no one has seen it from the beach. I hopped off a Lauren's back and waited for her to shift. After a while she stood there and when I was about to speak a dude no older than 20 came out with clothes in hand. "Nice to see you almost Alpha Lo.." He smirked setting the clothes down infront of Lauren. Quickly she picked them up with her teeth and went behind a tree. With a few growls heard from behind the tree Lauren came back out as her self with new clothes. "Thanks Josh. Josh this is Lilly, Lilly this is Josh my Beta." She said. "Hello beautiful." Josh said picking my hand up giving it a kiss. I had no emotion just waiting for him to let go. "Josh get your fucking hands off my mate right now." Lauren growled pulling me close and grabbing Josh by his forearm digging her nail into his skin. Quickly he let go bowing to her running away. "Let's go baby you have a pack to meet. " she smirked

A/n Sup! The worth it video has given me life just saying. Anyways leave feedback cuz every author loves it!

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