Fell for you #5

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"Go away!"

"Babe can we talk?"

"Don't call me babe!"

"Zee let me explain"

"Goodbye Lima"

Liam frowns glancing at Harry who shrugs going into the kitchen. He knocks on the door for the 10th time, right after he greeted Zayn he just shoved him side locking himself in his room. He wasn't gonna leave at all, he needed to let him know that he liked him a lot.

"I'm not going not anywhere until you let me in" Liam says crossing his arms. "Might as well leave, your wasting your time" "Being with you doesn't waste my time" Zayn groans his cheeks turning red, "I'm supposed to be mad at you" he says kicking at the door

"How about you let me in, yeah? You can curse me out all you want after I explain what happened"

Zayn waits a couple seconds before cracking the door opened. Liam gives him a hopeful look, his bottom lip poked out his cute eyebrows furrowed. "Fine" Zayn mumbles opening the door wider.

"Thank god you let him Zayn, he was so freakin annoying" Louis says walking passed their room his towel hanging off his hips. Liam glared before snatching his towel before rushing into Zayn's room closing the door

"Bastard!" Louis growls out slamming his fist on the door. Zayn bites his lip giggling, "Ok that was kinda funny" Liam smiles looking around his room, "This place is cute" he says sitting at the edge of his bed. Zayn crosses his arms, "Explain now"

Liam nods, "Ok first off, I'm sorry" "Apology unaccepted" Zayn says bitterly before looking away. "Look what you saw, it wasn't what you thought. That was my ex girlfriend"

"Oh that makes me feel better, thanks" Liam frowns, "Did you not hear me? Ex, meaning she's not with me anymore"

"Might as well tell me how you two broke up too" Zayn says sarcastically. "She cheated on me with my bestfriend Roddrick, well ex bestfriend"

Zayn gasps, "Why would she do that?" Liam shrugs, "She thought I was caught up in my work and boring, Roderick was more exciting then me" "You're not boring, far from it" Zayn says pouting

Liam grins chuckling a little, "It's cute how you went from Satan to an angel in just 5 seconds" Zayn smacks his arm, "Shut up, I was being nice" "Thank you, everyone else was telling me to suck it up"

Zayn twiddles with his thumbs, "Well what did she want?" "Well Roderick is a pig and a lazy ass so I'm assuming that's why she wants to get back with me. But I told her no, and that I was over her"

Zayn nods motioning for him to continue. "So she kissed me, I did kiss back but that was only for a few seconds. I pushed her away and said that I already had my eyes on someone else"

Zayn starts to sway a little, that what he does when he thinks. "And whose that?" "Well the guy who had just called me Lima" he says cheekily making Zayn blush. "So you don't want to be with her anymore?"

"Nope, besides I was bi at the time. Leaning towards the guys more, besides I think you totally made me gay" "How?" "That face of yours, and that smile, and how your little attitudes. It's hot" Zayn looks away grinning, "Thank you"

Liam stands infront of him his face full of hope caressing his cheek, "does that mean you forgive me?"

After a few minutes, Zayn bites his lip before pouting. "I guess" Zayn said teasily before Liam placed a kiss on his cheek

Liam smiles pulling him close to his chest hugging tightly, just as Zayn hugged back Liam starts tickling his side. Zayn giggles trying to move away, "Liam stop that tickles! I'm gonna piss!" They falls back making Liam groan as he lands on Zayn's bed

Zayn blushes furiously, Liam was on top of him. He thought this would be awkward but Liam is still peppering him with kisses, just as Liam was about to catch his lips Zayn sucked them in shaking his head

"I don't kiss until the first date"

Liam grins, "Well Zayn Malik, would you like to go on a date with me?" "Are you only asking cause I won't kiss you?" "Well I was planning to ask you out for a while, and now that you mentioned a kiss of course"

Zayn rolls his eyes, "Where are you gonna take me?" "Mhm it's a surprise, you'll have to wait tomorrow night" Liam says getting up, pulling Zayn up with him. "What time?" "6 on the dot, I'll be be here. Dress cute"

He says giving Zayn a kiss on cheek. Zayn nods, "Wait before you go," he stops Liam who opened the door. "I've been writing lately and I want you to read it"

Liam nods as Zayn gives him a packet of papers making his eyes widen, "All of this?" "Yup, just a few chapters. Tell me what you think of it tomorrow night" Liam flips through them, "Ok, see you tomorrow gorgeous" "I'll walk you out"

Zayn lead him to the front door opening it "Ah the lovebirds are together again Harry!" Louis yells out looking away from his book. Harry squeals from the kitchen exclaiming a loud YAY, from inside. Zayn sighs embarrassingly, "Bye Li" he waves to the brunette.

Once he's gone Zayn closes the door, "Guess who has a date?" He asks loudly. Harry pokes his head out holding a spoon, "Shut up, he did not!" Zayn nods smiling excitingly, "Yup, this is going to be so much fun!"

Louis snorts putting his glasses back on to continue reading, "You're not getting laid or anything" Zayn rolls his eyes, "Since when did you start reading?" Louis laughs sarcastically, "Oh what a funny guy" "Seriously, I've never seen you crack open a book before"

Harry comes in placing the dip and chips on the coffee table nearby, "He reads all the time, he's my little librarian" Louis cheeks turn red slightly, "Don't, I'm just reading for class"

Zayn nods leaning over to look at the book cover, "So, your reading the perks of being a wallflower in your pediatrician class?"

Louis scoffs putting the bookmark in a random page before getting up, "Can you let me be great Malik, I feel like I'm being interrogated by a gay police man"

He says going to his shared bedroom with Harry slamming the door closed. Harry coos, "He's to shy to admit he enjoys reading" "Shut up Harry" louis yells out from the room.

Harry smiles simply, probably ignoring the comment before starting to eat the snack. "You excited for the date?" He asks with a full mouth. Zayn sits down nodding, "Yeah, but I'm worried"


"What if he isn't the one? Maybe this is just a silly crush?"

"I doubt it, I bet you you'll go very far"
Finally updated!
Double update too, just updated basket baby.

But if you liked this lil chapter comment down below and star it

How'd you think of ziam making up?

Their first date?

-Saliah xXx

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