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This morning Liam was watching last nights recap of his favorite footie team on tv, Zayn was to busy fixing Liam's lunch for work, listening to him shout at the tv.

As  soon as Liam saw the ball getting kicked into the goal he lets out an excited yell, catching Ezra's attention.

The red headed baby was staring at Liam curiously in his bouncer, Liam chuckles getting on his knees in front of Ezra.

He gently grabbed his little arms putting them in the air, "Goal!" Ezra moves his legs excitingly in the bouncer gurgling.

"Ready to go to work with Daddy?" Ezra sticks his hands in his mouth before humming loudly. Zayn sticks his head in the living room threshold, "Be careful with him today at work Li"

Liam lifts Ezra from the bouncer into the air, moving him around. "Zayn I'm always careful with him" "Really? So the one time were out food shopping and I come find you in the meat section throwing him in the air, is that careful?"

Liam shrugs shyly before blowing raspberries in the giggling baby's neck. "Well he enjoyed it, the bacon would've protected his fall"

Today Liam was taking his little baby bean to work. Well sort of to get out of doing his work, but mostly to spend more time with him since he started going back.

He didn't like coming home from work late, getting only an hour of playtime with him before his bath and bedtime

Liam checks his watch standing up with the baby, "Alright we're gonna leave out now"

Zayn pouts taking Ezra out of his arms, "I'm gonna miss you baby red" Ezra hums petting his cheek. "You gonna miss me too?" Liam asks cheekily

Zayn scoffs, "I see you every morning and night in my bed, when do I not see you?" He asks with a smug look, earning a quick kiss from his husband.

Liam slides on the navy blue carrier with little whales on it, "You gonna drop me off? So you don't complain and whine?"

Zayn nods kissing Ezra's temple, "Yes, it'll be like watching him go off to preschool, except with his dad, and the preschool is a building filled with scary grownups"

Liam snorts gently taking Ezra from Zayn, putting him in the carrier. Ezra looks around then up at Liam letting out a loud screech as he lays his head on his chest gnawing on to the side of the satin carrier

After an hour of Zayn complaining about being alone at home without neither of them and Liam assuring him jokingly that Ezra won't get a paper cut.

Zayn dropped them off kissing both of them goodbye before driving off back home probably to sleep get some more sleep or go over Harry's house to hang out.

As soon as Liam walked into the building, people mostly his coworkers instantly were cooing and gasping over his little red headed jelly bean.

Ezra frowns confused by all the strangers coming over staring at him, making him whine, hiding his face in his daddy's chest. Liam coos giving him his pacifier telling them that he was shy around new people.

After chatting with some of them he decided to go to his office. He placed him onto his desk, watching as the baby looks around curiously leaning forward. Liam take the pacifier out of his mouth, "You like Daddy's office?"

Ezra smiles cheekily in reply, his eyes crinkling. Liam smiles poking his stomach making him giggle.

The brunette plays with his fist, "Well today is going to be fun. You're going to be strolling around the building with your old man"

The Basket Baby↷Ziam au✔️Where stories live. Discover now