*Bonus Chapter*

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(So let's pretend that in this chapter, it's Halloween yeah?)

"Liam, Liam, Liam," Zayn repeats excitingly making his husband look away from his paper work. "Yes?"

"Hi" He says shyly. Liam snorts setting the paper down, "What's got you so excited?" Zayn sits on his lap smiling, "It's Halloween!"

"So?" Liam asks playing with the hair on the nap of Zayn's neck. "I get to dress Ezzy up, and go with Harry and Niall to take the kids out trick or treating"

Every Halloween Zayn would tag a long with Harry to take his nieces and nephews, and Niall with Theo trick or treating. Zayn would pray for the day he'll have a kid and get to dress them up to go out. Now he does and he's more than excited, basically jumping off the walls

"As what?" he asks. Zayn gets up rushing out the room. Liam closes his laptop leaning back in his chair awaiting for what his excited husband has to show him.

After a while Liam hears loud babbling from the hallway getting closer to his office. Zayn comes in holding Ezra's hands helping him walk inside, and around the corner of Liam's desk to get a better view

Liam grins, "Hey that's pretty damn cute" Zayn scoffs, "Its not cute, it's adorable" he says picking up the baby in the cute lion costume. "Can you rawr for daddy?"

Ezra moves around excitingly distracted by the paws on his feet. Liam chuckles taking the baby from his arms. "You like the costume huh?" Ezra grabs at feet gurgling.

"He's ignoring me" Liam says snorting. Zayn leans on the desk, "See, he loves it"

Liam adjusts the baby to look at him, "Rawrrr" he says loudly making the baby jump from his distraction. He starts to giggle clapping, he does it again making him squeal

Zayn coos taking out his phone, "Ezra say cheese" He says making the baby turn towards his grinning. "Aw my little model" Liam sets the baby on the floor, "So when is Harry coming?"

Zayn checks the time, "Could be any time, Louis was gonna drop him and Niall off with the kids. Louis is probably gonna hang with you"

Liam nods opening the laptop, the light blinks on. "Make sure to bring me a lot of candy" He says looking at the baby pulling at the fake tail.

The doorbell rings making Zayn squeal, "Their here!" Zayn rushes out the room making Liam snort watching his skinny legs move fast.

Zayn opens the front door immediately. "Uncle Zaynie!" Multiple squeaky voices call out. He hugs the four jumping children. They all rush in, Harry, Niall and Louis following behind saying their hellos.

Zayn tells Louis that Liam is in his office. He smiles at the three blonde haired children chattering loudly, Lux who was 6 had her Elsa costume from the movie Frozen. Lux's older twin brothers Xavier and Michael were nine years old had ninja turtle costumes. Theo had a cute purple spider costume on, "You guys look adorable" he says.

Xavier makes a face, "we're not adorable, were awesome" he says putting a hand on his hips, Michael doing the same. Zayn coos ruffling their hair. "Where's gingerbread? I wanna see his costume"

Liam comes down holding onto the red haired baby babbling under his arm. Harry gasps. "Aw look at him!" He exclaims.

Louis pulls on the tail of the costume, "He's an adorable little lion" Ezra squeals grabbing Liam's nose. Niall comes over grabbing his chubby hand, "Can you say rawr?" Ezra scrunches his face showing his teeth gurgling.

"That's his rawr face" Liam says proudly bouncing him. "Ah Liam, you taught him well" Louis says sarcastically.

"Uncle Hazza, we go now?" Michael says pulling into his skinny jeans. "Yeah in a second" he says pinching his cheeks.

Zayn grabs the baby stroller, making sure to put the bottles in bag, he pushes it into the living room. Liam places Ezra in buckling him up, "Have fun, get daddy lots of candy" he says kissing his forehead.

Louis nods, "Same for all you monsters, I have a special mission for all of you" he says seriously making the kids look at him in awe

"And it is to get a lot of candy to share with uncle Lou" They all nods rushing towards the door. Liam wraps his arms around Zayn's waist, "Don't you go sugar crazy too" Zayn giggles kissing his cheek.

Liam watches they all leave throughout the door, "What do you wanna do Tommo?" Louis plops onto the couch, "Get drunk and eat pizza"

So I made this story because it's Halloween :) it's short but you get the gist of it, so I will be doing bonus chapters! If you liked this chap star it and comment below


-Saliah Xx

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