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Zayn checked his phone a couple times looking around the half empty restaurant. "Where are they?" he mumbles to himself, tapping his foot impatiently.

Liam gives him a quick peck on the cheek, "Don't worry, they'll be here babe, probably running late. You know how Harry and Louis are"

Zayn nods chuckling a little, "Poor Niall though" he says softly.

Today they were having a lunch date with their friends, Harry, Louis and Niall.

Niall was a very very close friend of them considering he was Liam's step brother. Liam's mom Karen married Niall's dad Bobby when they were in their sophomore year of college.

Since then him and Liam have been close, like Liam was so happy to have a two brothers, rather being the only boy and his two older sisters. It's great being able to have someone to watch sports and do manly things with

Zayn smiled down at the now 6 month old baby between them in the wooden high chair. The man gently running a soft baby brush red hair which was starting to grow just a little more.

Ezra pats the table gurgling loudly making Liam chuckle, making sure to make even more noises.

Zayn heard the door of the restaurant bell ring and familiar voices yelling. He looked up to see Niall pushing in between the Harry and Louis walking over.

Zayn squeals happily hugging him, "I'm so glad you came!"

Niall grin patting his back, "Wouldn't miss it for the world, I wanted to see my little nephew again!" The blonde goes over to hug Liam too before bending down infront of the baby.

"Hi little guy, haven't seen you since you were a little bean" Ezra grabbed his nose making them all aw in unison.

Harry and Louis came over after 5 minutes before sitting down. "How's my little gingerbread?" Ezra cheeses widely making everyone laugh.

"Sorry we're late, Harry decided to take the long way over here, and were probably gonna take the long way home"

Harry scoffs, "You gave me the directions, don't pin this all on me" Niall shakes his head leaning over to Liam and Zayn, "I'm never riding with them again, they've been arguing the whole time"

Harry frowns, "Um we can hear you"

Niall nods, "Oh I know" Louis rolls his eyes reaching over the table to shake Ezra's hand.

"How's the baby coming along, he look like he's been eating good" motioning to the chubby baby who was putting Liam's hand on his head.

Liam nods gently caresses his head gently on his red hair, "Oh Yeah, spitting it out and making a mess" Harry snorts, "Louis doesn't let me get away when I make a mess"

After chatting, checking up on each other they order drinks. Zayn orders water, with lemons on the side.

Harry grins at Ezra who was staring at the yellow fruit drooling a little. He nudged Louis who raises an eyebrow, but follows what he's looking at

"Aw someone wants some lemons" Zayn makes a face at the baby whose staring right back.

Liam snorts, "C'mon Zee, all babies need to try their first lemon" Niall nods in agreement. Zayn sighs smiling, "Ok but if he doesn't like it then I'm taking it away"

Liam grabs Ezra's bib putting it around his neck. Zayn grabs the slice giving to the red head. Ezra grips it excitingly waving it in the air, letting out babbles loudly making some people coo at him.

Niall starts cackling making Ezra give him a cheeky smile, his eyes almost closing.

Liam moves the lemon to his mouth, "Now you try a little"

Ezra puts it in his mouth biting it, after a while he pulls it away scrunching face shuddering hard making everyone laugh.

The six month old sticks his tongue in and out looking at Zayn, who had tears in his eyes from laughing.

Ezra's face softens giggling with his tongue still out. He tries again but scrunches his face harder giggling.

He puts it in his mouth scrunching his face a couple times until Liam grabs the lemon laughing. "Alright that's enough little bean"

Ezra claps sticking his little pink tongue out. That afternoon was filled with new memories, laughter and even crying from Ezra because of his teething of course.

Niall sat back in his chair rubbing his stomach, "My tummy hurts" Louis smacks his gut causing him to glare, "Shouldn't have asked for dessert after eating a whole rack of ribs"

Zayn smiles watching Harry play with Ezra who was now sitting on his lap. Harry looks up at him, "Has he said daddy yet?"

Liam shakes his head pouting a little, "I'm trying to coach him but he ends up babbling nonsense, he almost says it but then it's more babbling and up more plays with my emotions"

Louis snorts, "And what about you Zayn, you're  papa?"

Zayn scoffs, "No, baba. I want him to know my culture too" Niall snorts, "Baba? that sounds weird" Zayn scowls at him. "Niall sounds weird, your practically named after a river mate"

Louis choked on his soda laughing loudly, earning a couple hits on his back from his boyfriend. Liam chuckles shrugging at Niall who crossed his arms glaring at him.

"I warned you before, he doesn't play Ni"

Zayn smiles at Niall, "Aw don't be sad Nialler" Niall looks away staring out the window, "You didn't need to make it personal Zayn"

Harry grins at Louis fondly who was trying to stop laughing, wrinkling his nose a bit. Louis takes his glasses off wiping his eyes taking deep breaths, "God I love you Zayn, that was too funny" He giggles a little after that.

Harry kisses Ezra's head pointing at Liam, "That's dada, can you say dada

Ezra stays quiet pressing his hands together looking at Liam. "Mhm Dadada dada"

Liam turns his head towards the baby so fast Zayn thought he would hear something snap. Everyone went silent looking at the red head who was reaching for Liam.

"What did he say?" Zayn gasps, "Aw Li he called you dada!" Ezra moves excitingly staring at Liam, "Dadadada!" He screeched repeating louder making the brunette immediately take him into his arms.

"Oh my god zee he said dada!" Zayn smiles but playfully pouts, "When are you gonna say my name baby red"

Louis snorts watching them with a fond smile, "Soon possibly, won't be long til he's saying your name too. He has to get used to the word"

Harry coos pinching Louis cheek, "Your so adorable with your doctor talk Lou" Louis face turns red pushing his hands away, "Shush Harold"

Niall gags, "Now you two want to act cute, earlier you two were fighting like a pack of wolves"

Zayn ignored their bickering smiling at Liam who was rubbing Ezra's back. The little red head laid his head on his chest gnawing on shirt. Zayn kisses his forehead before smoothing out his hair.

Liam grins at him, "He called me Dada"

Zayn rolls his eyes with a small smile, "Don't rub it in babe" Liam smiles, his cheeks going up up up, his eyes almost disappearing which was what Ezra does all the time.

Zayn eyes lit up, that was his favorite smile now he wasn't as jealous anymore, he was just happy to see his husband so excited

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Thank you guys so so so much, oml you must really like this story huh😏

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