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Liam gets off the elevator holding onto his red headed son's hand. He smiles down at Ezra whose shouting out jumbled words, "Dada" he exclaims pointing to the walls.

"That's a wall buddy" Ezra lets go of Liam's hands waddling to pet the wall, "Doggy"

"No, that's a wall son" Liam says stopping watching his son turn towards him grinning.

The nods his head down the hall, "C'mon lets go to my office bean" Liam starts to walk a little making Ezra stumble to follow.

"Morning Mr. Payne" he hears a chorus of his workers call out making him wave. He stops of the middle of that hallway looking at Ezra who off in his little world walking.

Nick frowns standing up, "Aw Payno brought the little monster in today" he says loud for everyone.

Some people stand up to gush about how cute he was, they watched him walking around

Liam stuck out his hand, "Buddy come on" Ezra squeals loudly clinging onto Liam's leg, he looks up at the people giving them a big smile making them all start cooing.

The young dad chuckles as he grabs his hand, helping him walk him towards his office door

Nick follows behind them, Liam goes to unlock his door to his office. "How come you brought him today?" He asks once the door is open. "Zayn is still editing his movie, he wants to make sure everything is perfect" he says

He lets go of Ezra so the small child can roam the room. Nick closes the door after them, "Oh that's great, my nieces love that book to death. Can't wait to see it"

Liam smiles nodding, "Same, he's been stressing for a while now" Nick sits in a chair nodding, "I mean I would. If I made a terrible movie about a fantastic book I'd die"

Liam gives him a look, "Shut up Nick, don't you have paperwork I assigned you to do" Nick scoffs getting up, "Well damn, I'll be on my way then" he says waving to Ezra. "Have fun with your mean ass dad jr." Ezra grins waving at him making him coo

"Hope he doesn't become a grump like you" he says as he walks out the door. Liam rolls his eyes setting his briefcase down, "Ezzy C'mere"

Ezra rushes hugging his leg, Liam scoops him up kissing his cheeks. "Now we're gonna be good today right?" Ezra smiles showing his teeth, "No!" He exclaims. "I'm hoping you mean yes"

Ezra hides his face in his neck giggling. Liam chuckles going his seat, "Alright let's do some work, yeah?" He asks sitting down. He grabs a a colored pencil and a blank piece of paper, he places the pencil in the baby's hand watching him making scribbles on it babbling

Liam kisses his forehead before starting to do his own work, "Maybe one day you'll take over this place hm? Would you like that" "no!" Ezra exclaims happily scribbling on the paper.

Liam snorts, "Thought so, well you'll get to be anything you want. What do you wanna be?" "Doggy!" Liam makes a face, "I'm gonna teach you some new words" he says kissing his head.

"You wanna walk around the building?" He asks setting Ezra on the floor. Ezra grabs his hand moving towards the door, as soon as Liam opens it he rushes out squealing

Liam sighs, "Oh lord" he mumbles watching him stop to grin at Liam. Liam quickly follows him making sure to grab his hand. Liam walks him to the elevator making Ezra scream in excitement, "oh you like the elevators?" He says chuckling as he pushes the button.

After a while the elevator music plays making Ezra sway his head making his little curls away with him. Liam starts laughing watching him 'dance', "When your older I'll teach you some moves"

Ezra laughs putting his sleeve in his mouth as the door opens, Liam walks with him starting to walk around saying hello. During visiting all the floors to help Ezra exercise, one of Liam's coworkers gives him a baggy filled with cheese doodles. And of course he got it all over his face and some on his little track suit.

Liam thought it was funny that the cheese crumbs on his face matches the color of his hair


It was almost the end of the day until he got a phone call, "Hello?" "Hey Li, how's work going?" Zayn's asks. "Fine, bean is asleep so no you can't talk to him" he says chuckling. Zayn groans, "Was he good today?" "Yup, running around a bit but I think he has a little fever but I'll let you check"

Zayn nods, "Alright, guess what though" "what?" Zayn squeals, "The movie is coming out on Friday" Liam frowns, "I thought it was gonna be out next month?"

"The editors saw the movie today and came to me crying. They said it was that amazing and they want it out now!" "Baby that's great, I'm so proud of you" Liam says smiling. "So I thought us three, Harry, Lou, and Niall can come celebrate over dinner?"

"That sounds like the plan, I'll see you when I get home ok?" Zayn nods, "Alright, make sure bean is awake when you come, haven't played him since this morning"

"Alright, love you" "love you too" Liam hangs up the phone noticing Ezra sitting up, whining from the stroller. Liam gets up picking the baby up, "Aw did you have a nice nap?" He says rubbing his back. Ezra rubs his eyes clinging onto him, "Dada" he mumbles

Liam coos kissing his forehead going to the window, "Isn't that pretty?" Ezra looks at the view before slapping his hand on the window curiously. Liam bounces him grinning, "Yeah that's a window" he says kissing his cheek

He listened to the loud babbling that came from his son's mouth as he continues slapping his hands on the window

It was moments like these that Liam enjoyed, being able to have a relaxed quiet time with his son. He watches as Ezra lays his head on Liam's shoulder, "Love you lots buddy" Ezra cheeses, "Wots" he shouts out making the older man smile, his eyes squinting embracing the little bundle

Thank you for reading today's story, star it and comment below if you did!

-Saliah xXx

The Basket Baby↷Ziam au✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن