morning and night

Start from the beginning

craig-what time did you wake up?

nikki-an hour ago.*i  nodded and smiled.i sat down and she sat down next to me.we ate and i couldnt stop complimenting her on a job well done.after a while she just kissed me to shut me up.*i know your grateful.

craig-im gonna say it one more time.

nikki-do it and watch your not gonna get any tonight.

craig-why you gotta take that away?*she giggled and i smiled.she looked at me and kissed me again.*i love you.

nikki-i love you too.*she leaned over and pecked my lips 5 times.on the last two pecks i heard someone banging on my door.i got up and grabbed my gun in my kitchen.nikki had a knife in her hand.i pushed her behind me and held the gun firmly in my hands.*

craig-who is it?

****-who do you think?*it was mary.i rolled my eyes and gave my gun to nikki.she walked to the kitchen and i opened my door.*


mary-i came for the rest of my stuff.

craig-your too late.the trash men got that shit now.

mary-craig you is a low down dirty snake.

craig-yea but your a low down dirty infested dog.get the fuck off of my property.the both of you.*i glnced at the dude that was with her.he stepped to me so i stepped to him.*did i studder?

****-you betta watch yoself son fo you come up missin.

craig-im so dont know shit about me so dont let my house fool you.*mary put her hand on his chest.*

mary-ill see you in court on monday bitch.

craig-see you then hobknocker.*they walked to their car and drove off.i closed the door and turned to see nikki.*

nikki-who was she with?

craig-some clown.i dont give a fuck who she with.i care about you.*i walked up to her and kissed her softly.she smiled and i kissed her nose.she giggled and pulled me closer while wrapping her arms around my neck.i saw her smile fade away.*

nikki-he scares me craig.

craig-he dont scare me.

nikki-just be careful during this fight ok?

craig-baby im always careful.come on lets finish breakfast ok?*she nodded and i kissed her nose again.i saw that beautiful smile of hers.*there it goes.*she pulled away and pulled me to the table.we ate breakfast and just enjoyed each others company.*

chresanto roc royal pov

chresanto-*i awoke to no one beside me.the first person to pop into my mind was assiral.i smiled and decided to call her.she answered on the 3 ring.*hey baby.

assiral-hi.answer the door.*i got up and walked to my door to see her with two stirofoam cups and a white plastic bag.*good morning.

chresanto-good morning.this breakfast?

assiral-yea.can i come in?because its cold out here.*i let her in and she put everything on the table while i locked my door.i walked to her and stood right behind her.when she turned around she yelped while i chuckled at her.*dont do that.*she hit me in my chest.*

chresanto-im sorry.*i pulled her close to my body and kissed glad i get to kiss those beautiful lips of hers.she pulled back from me and wrapped her arms around my neck.*

assiral-do you want to put clothes on?*i shook my head and kissed her again.she pulled back and let her hands slide down my chest.*sorry.*i shook my head and took her jacket off.i put it on the back of her chair and pulled her chair out for her.she sat down and i sat down in front of her.*i got us the same thing since i dont know what you like.*i looked at the platter and it was pancakes,eggs,bacon and some toast.i shrugged and dug was really good too.she slid a cup to me.i swallowed the egg that was in my mouth to speak.*

From boys to teens to men:A Mindless Behavior StoryWhere stories live. Discover now