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You and Carl quickly ran to the gates to find out what cause the commotion. Days passed and Rick and the other group went to distract a large herd of walkers away from the town and now you saw only Rick who just got in and brought back half a number of walkers outside the gates. What is going to happen now? Is Alexandria going o be overrunned as well? Where's the others? A lot of things wenr to your head and looked at the people blaming Rick for bringing walkers to your haven. You looked at Carl and held his hand giving him a worried look. As he pulled you close to him and rubbed your shoulder to calm you.

After Rick explaining the situation that when the others comes back, they'll distract the walkers away from Alexandria. You also saw Maggie crying that Glenn might be dead, so you hugged her as she hugged back. You suck at making people bettee but this was the only thing you could so for her.

After few minutes you walked around town to look for Carl. When you did, he was arguing with Ron and you heard them talking "Isn't she your girlfriend, isnt she?" Carl told him as Ron made a disgust look "well she was! But you two are a thing?" He pointed out. 'A thing? What is happening here?' You thought as you stopoed Carl from almost punching Ron by going between them "stop it! There's no more reason for us to fight in thus situation we're having!" You scolded them as they both went silent. "Tell your boyfriend to stop trying to look after Enid!" Ron said as your eyes widen. Enid went outside the gates again. Sure she hates you but still.. "You wont stop me" Carl said about to look away "i'm gonna tell your dad, and to everyone that you left. And they will look out to find you and get theirselves in danger. You dont want that, right?" Ron said as Carl stopped and looked the two of you then walked away "Carl, wait!" Before you could even reach him, you felt dizzy then fainted, falling to the ground. "[Name]!" Ron exclaimed as Carl began to stop in hia tracks and look back to see your body on the floor, his eyes widen then run to you.

You woke up, feeling your whole body weakening 'what's happening to me?' You thought. You saw Carl beside you, putting a damp cloth on your forehead. "Were you bitten?" He asked. Strange.. You were bitten like months ago. And the virus might have taken affect "no... Please tell me.you werent!" Carl said worryingly, holding you're almost cold hands. Its too sudden. You cant die yet, worst you cant turn one yet! But you hope that it was just over-fatigue or Carl might lose you again.

Okay, the book is almost finished. We are not sure what's gonna happen to you~ but.

If anyone wants a double ending; a tragic ending, and a happy ending. We can work it out. But only if anyone wants to.

[The Walking Dead] =You Have Changed= Carl Grimes x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now