"Not now rose, not now." She whispered to herself taking deep long breaths to calm herself. Her eyes slowly travelled to the photo frame which held a picture of her and Alexander. She picked it up and felt a myriad of emotions flow in her body. She could never seem to get over him, yet she couldn't bring herself to forgive him for breaking her heart. She had been so pathetically in love with him, that even now, even after all these years, Rose could not bring herself to forget him. Alexander too, had faced terrible things in life just like her. His parents died before her parents. They were murdered in their house when Alexander was not in town. Those days were the worst. Even after he rejected her, Rose was there by his side trying her level best to calm him down and support him through the hard times, but he pushed her away from him. Far far away. The last time Rose saw him, was when he murdered a man right in front of her eyes . After that, she never saw him, it had been ten years since then, but still when she closes her eyes, she could see his deep forest green eyes looking at her with a mixture of many emotions within it that she couldn't understand. Today she was going to give herself a chance and let go of her past.

She kept the frame down on the table and went near her door to unlock it ,so that Brian could just come in when he came to pick her up for dinner. Her door bell had stopped working since the past few days and she had to bring an electrician to get it repaired soon.
After unlocking the door, she went into her room to arrange all the clothes that she had thrown on her bed in search of the black dress she presently wore.


"Boss, this is the house." Graham spoke as he stopped the car in front of an old house.

Alexander was dressed in a crisp, black suit and had his shades on. He got out of the car ,shut the door and shoved his right hand into his pocket surveying the vast expanse of land and this small house obstructing it. He wanted this, and he would make her sell this to him. There was an eerie silence that surrounded that place, a silence that always came before a storm. He made his way towards the house and the gravel crunched under his shoes as he walked towards it. He climbed the stairs and stood on the porch. The front door was slightly opened and he could see the orange light seeping through the gap as it illuminated the porch area. He removed his right hand and rang the door bell, but it did not give out any sound. He pressed it again, but there was no sound that came out of it.

Alexander pushed open the door wider and stepped into the house and the wooden floor creaked under the pressure of his foot steps. He moved slowly to the middle of the room and shoved both his hands into his pockets. He narrowed his eyes and surveyed the hall. A small couch laid in the middle of the room with a table in front of it. And the smell, the house smelt someone very familiar. Something very beautiful, the smell of Roseanne. His heart started beating rapidly at the doubt that started arising within him.
"Loren Hart, boss, it's in the name of a lady named Loren Hart."

Alexander turned towards his right and that was when his whole world stopped.. He moved towards the photo frames with his heart beating loud inside his chest. He removed his shades and stood near the table and what he saw made his entire being shake with something so strong, that he could not decipher. He couldn't think anything anymore.

"Jesus...." he whispered to himself, as he looked at the pictures of rose and her family on the wall. He gulped down the know that formed in his throat and clenched his jaw in an attempt to control the unknown emotions that coursed within him.

The family, who were once his own the girl, who loved him with all her heart, and the life that he left behind were thrown at his face all at once. He shut his eyes and bent his head taking deep breaths through his nose, jaws clenched and hands fisted the table tightly. He slowly opened his eyes and his gaze fell on the special frame that laid on the table. He picked it up and looked at it, that is when Alexander Hunter, for the first time in his life, was left defenseless and all the strength drained away from his body instantly. The picture of him and Rose holding hands together while Rose kept looking at him with a dreamy expression tugged something deep in his heart and he could feel his heart break into a million pieces. She had always loved him, loved him since they were kids and may be, even now, after all these years gap between them. He wished for it now and shut his eyes again as he kept the frame back on the table. He was shocked to see it on her table even now, after all these years. She had preserved his memory with her.

He opened his eyes and could feel his eyes glistening with a mixture of wild, strong emotions flowing within him and he could not hold onto what he actually felt. He couldn't breath and the room suffocated him by presenting him with all the memories and her smell, her pure addicting smell.

Rose came out of the washroom and slipped her feet into the heels and moved towards the hall. She saw a man with stiff shoulders dressed in a black suit looking at the photographs.
She smiled and said,

"Brian. . . Let's go?"


Hello my loves:)
I hope this went well. Please let me know what you think about the update. Please?:)
Thank you for all the reads, votes and comments. Thanks a lot.
I love you all.

Until the next update,

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